BS EN 16429:2021 pdf free download – Stationary source emissions – Reference method for the determination of the concentration of gaseous hydrogen chloride (HCl]) in waste gases emitted by industrial installations into the atmosphere

02-12-2022 comment

BS EN 16429:2021 pdf free download – Stationary source emissions – Reference method for the determination of the concentration of gaseous hydrogen chloride (HCl]) in waste gases emitted by industrial installations into the atmosphere.
CI. General
The method has been validated on a test bench, on a waste incineration plant and on a large combustion plant. Four different European accredited measuring teams took part to Ijils validation.
pour different types of P-AMS were involved. Two used the FTIR technique and 2 used tunable diode lasers technique. They used configuration 2 (temperature of the sampling line maintained up to the heated analyser).
Only one P-AMS was on the market, which was using FTIR and was certified according to Bt’J 15267.3. Its performance characteristics already determined are fulfilling the criteria flced by EN 15267.4.
One FTIR and two TDL systems did not always meet the expectations during the field tests. New developments or improvements of the existing systems are necessary. A similar validation work performed with certified instruments would have led, most likely, to much better results.
C.2 Recommendations to manufacturers (from observations noticed during the validation campaigns)
The manufacturer shall pay the greatest attention to ensuring that the transfer of the P-AMS from one sampling platform to another one does not affect the rigidity of the connections (between the different parts of the measuring system: probe, heated line. pump, conditioning system, analyser…) and the integrity and efficiency of the associated insulation.
Tl1t efficiency of the insulatiun .,in he tested by injection a wet span gas (see 22).
The manufacturer shall avoid the use of any material that could adsorb or desorb HCI. With some PAMS using stainless steel (probe, filter, connections) it has been observed desorption phenomena when the probe is inserted into the duct that could affect the signal during more than 30 mm,
C.3 Characteristics of the reference gases
The measurement campaign performed to validate this document has shown that a generator of wet gases instead of a dry gas injection improves the quality of the adjustment. The advantages of a wet adjustment are:
— for Analyser H: from 27 mm with a dry gas to 8 mm for a wet gas, at the inlet of the probe;
— possibility to use the water vapour generator with an HCI solution instead of a calibration gas bottle and the water vapour generator
Iadjustments with wet gases are more repeatable, which is essential to detect if a drift is significant during the measurement period
losses due to cold points In the connections between the probe / filter / heated line / pump / heated line / analyser can be detected during the check of the sampling system using span gas and the appropriate repair carried out
C.4 Characteristics of installations
The following field tests were performed:
— I field test: NPL test bench at Teddington (United Kingdom
For each type of the 4 PAMS selected, two systems A and B were provided by the manufacturer (except for one of the P-AMSJ.
For each P-AMS. the tests have been implemented, by a technician of an accredited laboratory with the support of a technician from the manufacturer providing a selected Measurement System (P-AMS).
The first day was dedicated to the installation and adjustment of the P-AMS and the three following days. 14 trails have been performed with HCI concentrations varying from 3 to 61 mg/rn3 simulating an incineration or combustion plant gas matrix. One of the trial, interrupted by a power failure was not processed.
— 2d field test: waste incinerator in Belgium. Two teams took part to the field test and performed measurements simultaneously with the four P-AMS. A total of twelve measurements were performed. The repeatability from the first field test was used to determine the reproducibility;
I3 rd field test: coal fired power plant in United Kingdom. Two teams took part to the field test and performed measurements simultaneously with the four P-AMS. A total of twelve measurements were performed. The repeatability from the first field test was used to determine the reproducibility.
An overview of the flue gas characteristics Is given in Table C,1.

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