BS EN 17419-1:2020 pdf free download – Digital Information Interchange in the Insurance Industry一Transfer of electronic documents Part 1: Process and Data Model

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BS EN 17419-1:2020 pdf free download – Digital Information Interchange in the Insurance Industry一Transfer of electronic documents Part 1: Process and Data Model.
5.3.6 Transfer of a document which has to be signed by an authentication provider
In this process description, the focus is not on the “issuer — sender — receiver — addressee” chain of parties as illustrated in 5.3.2 to 5.3.5. Instead the requirements are described for a document contained in an insurance transaction for which the issuer should express the need for such document to be signed by some person, the authentication provider. This expression shall enable the specification of the type of expected signature as well as the specification of a designated person or, alternatively, of a person of a specified role who is expected to sign.
For any given document several signatory authentications can be necessary. As in one insurance transaction several documents can be contained, the above shall be possible for each individual document as authentication expectations or needs can vary per document.
R49 For each document one or more signatory authentications may be specified.
R50 Optionally the type of the required authentication may be specified. The authentication type codes are specified in Annex A, A.6.
R51 Optionally one or more textual statements may be given that are specifying the intent of the authentication.
R52 Optionally one or more statement codes may be given that are specifying the intent of the authentication. For this market specific statement code the identification of the associated market specific code list and the agency responsible for this code list shall be specified.
R53 Optionally the status of the authentication may be given. The status codes are specified in Annex A, A.5.
5.4 Requirements for the transmission status message for an insurance transaction
When an insurance transaction is electronically transferred from the sender to the receiver it is important to know for the sender that the transmission of the insurance transaction was technically successful. For this reason a Transmission Status Message is specified so that the insurance transaction receiver can notify on a technical level the successful or unsuccessful transmission of a specific insurance transaction to the sender. Samples for the usage of the transmission status message are shown in the use case diagrams in Figures 2 to 5.
The transmission status message only confirms the receipt on a technical level. This does not mean that the addressee of the insurance transaction acknowledges the business content of the insurance transaction to the issuer of the insurance transaction. Instead the business acknowledgement may be another insurance transaction with a reference to the original insurance transaction.
This section specifies the requirements for the data of the transmission status message.

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