BS EN 46-2:2009 pdf free download – Wood preservatives – Determination of the preventive action against recently hatched larvae of Hylotrupes bajulus (Linnaeus) Part 2: Ovicidal effect (laboratory method)

02-15-2022 comment

BS EN 46-2:2009 pdf free download – Wood preservatives – Determination of the preventive action against recently hatched larvae of Hylotrupes bajulus (Linnaeus) Part 2: Ovicidal effect (laboratory method).
8 Procedure
8.1 Preparation of the test specimens
8.1.1 Conditioning of the test specimens prior to sealing
Allow the test specimens to condition in the conditioning chamber (5.3.2) for a minimum of two weeks.
8.1.2 Sealing of block faces General
When treatment is to be by brushing or by pipette then only the transverse faces of test specimens shall be sealed. When treatment is to be by dipping then all faces, except one 25 mm x 50 mm face, shall be sealed. The material used for sealing shall be resistant to the penetration of wood preservatives under test. The sealings specified in and have been proven as suitable. For tests with preservative solutions in which water is the continuous phase, apply three coats of the paraffin wax (5.2.1) at about 90 °C so that the first coat adheres closely to the wood and the successive coatings bond to one another. Condition the sealed test specimens in the conditioning chamber (5.3.2) for at least one day. For tests with preservative solutions in which the continuous phase is an organic solvent that dissolves paraffin wax, use the gelatine (5.2.2): apply the first coat as an aqueous solution of 200 g/l at 40 °C, then after a minimum of 8 h of drying, apply two further coats of an aqueous solution of 300 g/l at 50 °C. Condition the sealed test specimens in the conditioning chamber (5.3.2) for at least one day.
8.1.3 Treatment of the test specimens Preparation of the treatment solutions
8.1 .3.1.1 Solid preservatives
— Water-soluble preservatives:
Dissolve the preservative in the water (5.2.3) to the concentration recommended by the manufacturer.
— Non-water-soluble preservatives:
Dissolve the preservative in an appropriate solvent (5.2.4) to the concentration recommended by the manufacturer.
All treatment solutions shall be freshly prepared.
8.1 .3.1.2 Liquid preservatives
If appropriate, use the preservative without further preparation other than any necessary stirring. If it is a concentrate, dilute the preservative with the diluent specified by the manufacturer to the required working concentration.
A formulation of the preservative to be tested without active ingredients shall also be included in the test.
All treatment solutions shall be freshly prepared. Treatment by brushing or by pipette
In the laboratory work area (5.3.3) apply the preservative either by brushing or by pipette to the 50 mm x 25 mm lateral face that would have been furthest from the centre of the tree.
Depending on the type of treatment, the volume (application by pipette) or mass (application by brushing) of the treatment solution shall be determined to obtain the surface application specified by the manufacturer. Place the specimens such that the 50 mm x 25 mm lateral face that is to be treated is uppermost and apply the appropriate fluid uniformly to that face.
When the preservative is applied by brush, place the test specimens on a balance while being brushed to determine the amount of preservative applied to the nearest 0,01 g.
When the preservative is applied by pipette, move the pipette across the fibre direction and the amount of preservative applied shall be determined to the nearest 0,01 ml.
NOTE 1 Several applications can be necessary to apply the required amount. In this case the coats should be applied sufficiently quickly to avoid any solidification of certain substances which can impede the penetration of further coats.
NOTE 2 Care must be taken to avoid fluid running off the lateral face being treated.

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