BS IEC 62954:2019 pdf free download – Nuclear power plants – Control rooms – Requirements for emergency response facilities

02-08-2022 comment

BS IEC 62954:2019 pdf free download – Nuclear power plants – Control rooms – Requirements for emergency response facilities
9.1 General
The three facilities that comprise the ERFs perform quite different roles, as described in 5.2, requiring a range of functions and associated tasks to be performed by the respective emergency teams. Some of these functions and tasks may be autonomous, but others will be closely linked to functions and tasks being performed by other members of the same emergency team or by other emergency teams.
9.2 Operational experience
Experience from NPPs and other facilities that have conducted emergency exercises, or have experienced a reactor incident or accident situation, should be collected, analysed and fed back to the design of ERF for new NPPs or the upgrading of ERF for existing NPPs.
9.3 Functional analysis and assignment
Although it is not practicable to specify the full range of eventualities that an emergency response may involve, analysis should be performed for the generic functions that are likely to be required in response to a defined set of postulated accident scenarios of differing severities. Following analysis, these functions should be assigned to the relevant ERFs and emergency teams. The functions (e.g. analyses, calculations etc.) assigned to the emergency teams should be further evaluated and the extent by which these can be performed automatically (e.g. upon request) by I&C equipment should be determined, both in order that these can be performed more quickly and to reduce the likelihood of human error. Even where such functions are performed automatically, appropriate information should be provided to the emergency teams in hard copy form to permit manual implementation in the event of loss of the automated means.
9.4 Task analysis
Analysis should be performed to confirm that the tasks required to accomplish the functions assigned to the emergency teams are feasible in the time assumed, and that the equipment, communication means and other arrangements for performing the tasks are adequate.
9.5 Style guide
If specific conventions are required, a style guide shall be written to define these to the ERF designer and for reference purposes in ERF personnel training material.
9.6 HFE verification and validation
Verification and validation shall be performed on the results of the ‘functional analysis and assignment’ and ‘task analysis’ steps and to confirm that these results are suitably reflected into the ERF specifications and detailed design.
10.2 Design of I&C equipment for ERF
The role, objectives and functions of the I&C for the ERF shall be determined from the role, objectives and functions of the emergency teams located at each ERF (i.e. ERC, TSC and OSC) as defined in the NPP emergency plan. NOTE A general assumption of this document is that the MCR or the SCR remains available when the ERFs are in operation. The ERFs are not supposed to control the plant. If control from an area close to the ERF is desired, one option is to locate the SCR and the ERF in close proximity.

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