BS ISO IEC 6592:2000 pdf free download – Information technology Guidelines for the documentation of computer-based application systems (Revision of ISO 6592: 1985)

02-08-2022 comment

BS ISO IEC 6592:2000 pdf free download – Information technology Guidelines for the documentation of computer-based application systems (Revision of ISO 6592: 1985)
4.5 Customization
This International Standard defines a framework in which documents are defined by using a hierarchical profile to define information items for software system documents and concentrates on information items mainly for program and data development. It is not intended to restrict information items to those listed in this International Standard. This International Standard can be tailored by adding, altering or deleting information items as necessary as long as the same framework is used.
5.1 Overview of the description of information items
The overview is presented as a tree-structured list (see Figure 1 ). The list contains the name and item number of the information items detailed in the description of information items (see 5.3 and 5.4). The item numbers and names shown under the heading “Structure” are group and sub-group headings for the “Information Items” identifying specific information.
5.2 Documentation profile
The documentation profile form (see Figure 2) is provided as a template for creating a documentation profile for a software system. In the documentation profile, the matrix is divided into a number of columns. Each document required for the software system is represented by a column (e.g. A,B,C). See Annex A for an example of how to identify the documents portrayed in Figure 2. When completed, the documentation profile can be used to develop a documentation plan and to check that the software system is documented to the correct level of detail.
5.3 Description of information items
The information for the preparation of documents is derived from information items. An information item may comprise a number of sub-items depending on the degree of detail required to describe the item. The sub-items are listed in a hierarchy, the basis for the numbering convention used for information items.
With time and in successive documents, a compound information item may occur in increasing detail by including additional sub-items of information on that subject. This gradual change in the level of detail may necessitate revision of documents produced earlier in the software life cycle. Sub-items themselves (or indeed unitary information items) do not therefore necessarily remain identical in content throughout the life cycle. Experience gained during a project may require that information is corrected or adjusted to reflect the better understanding of the software system that experience has given. Where the sub-item name occurs across two or more levels (e.g., 21 2.1 Objective Name), the value of the sub-item may be the same at all levels or may be expanded at level 2 and level 3 if necessary. A document can therefore comprise information items at different levels of detail depending on the requirements specified in the documentation profile.

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