CSA ANSI LC 1:2016 pdf free download – Fuel gas piping systems using corrugated stainless steel tubing

02-24-2022 comment

CSA ANSI LC 1:2016 pdf free download – Fuel gas piping systems using corrugated stainless steel tubing
Capacity, flow — as used in this Standard, the amount of a specified gas corrected to standard conditions of 30 inches water column and 60 degrees Fahrenheit that will flow through a specified length and configuration of tubing, a manifold, fitting, or other component at a specified pressure drop in a fixed period of time. Coating — dipping or painting of the tube with a material that is not removable without damage to the tubing. Concealed gas piping — gas piping that, when in place in a finished building, would require removal of permanent construction to gain access to the piping. Connector, gas appliance — a factory-fabricated assembly of gas conduit and related fittings designed to convey gaseous fuel, and used for making connections between a gas supply piping outlet and the gas inlet to an appliance. It is equipped at each end for attachment to standard taper pipe threads. Equivalent hydraulic diameter (EHD) — a theoretical size that reflects the hydraulic performance of the tubing. It is not a true physical measurement. Exposed gas piping — gas piping that will be in view in the finished structure. Fuel gas — a commercially distributed gas used for fuel such as natural gas, manufactured gas, undiluted liquefied petroleum gas (vapor phase only), liquefied petroleum gas-air mixtures, or mixtures of these gases. Gas utilization equipment — any device that utilizes gas as a fuel or raw material or both. Jacket/covering — a sheath that is fabricated over the tubing without adhering to the surface or filling into all the convolutions and is easily removed without damage to the surface of the tubing.
Listed — equipment or materials included in a list published by an organization acceptable to the Authority Having Jurisdiction and concerned with product evaluation that maintains periodic inspection of production of listed equipment or materials and whose listing states either that the equipment or material meets appropriate standards or has been tested and found suitable for use in a specified manner. Lockup pressure, regulator — the system pressure, immediately downstream of the regulator, at which the regulator valve will completely close (leak-tight) under no-flow conditions to prevent the downstream pressure from exceeding a predetermined level. Maximum actual operating pressure — the maximum pressure existing in a piping system, including transients, during a normal annual operating cycle. The maximum actual operating pressure normally occurs at regulator lockup under no-flow conditions. (See “LOCKUP PRESSURE, REGULATOR”.) Piping system — as used in this Standard, an assembly of corrugated stainless steel tubing (CSST), tubing connection fittings, shutoff valve(s), tube shielding devices and other listed components, intended for field assembly and installation to distribute fuel gas to residential and commercial gas utilization equipment. Pressure drop — the loss in static pressure of flowing fuel gas due to friction or other flow resistance in tubing, fittings, valves, regulators, or other devices in the piping system.

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