CSA ANSI LNG 4.4:2020 pdf free download – Breakaway devices for liquefied natural gas (LNG) dispensing systems for natural gas vehicles (NGV)

02-24-2022 comment

CSA ANSI LNG 4.4:2020 pdf free download – Breakaway devices for liquefied natural gas (LNG) dispensing systems for natural gas vehicles (NGV)
4.2 The manufacturer shall demonstrate that the necessary protection measures in relation to design, manufacturing, and assembly processes have been addressed in design and production quality control plans based on a design and process failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA) risk analysis, which is intended to identify potential design and manufacturing failures that have significant consequences affecting the safety of the product. Note: Guidance for risk analyses can be found in SAE J1739.
4.3 The manufacturer and the assembler shall establish, document, and maintain a quality control system and product quality control plan (QCP) conforming to a quality management system standard, e.g. ISO 9001, ASME, etc., to ensure that the products placed on the market conform to the declared performance characteristics.
4.4 The quality control systems shall consist of written procedures (i.e., works instructions), regular inspections, and tests, and the results shall serve to control raw and other incoming materials or components, equipment, the production process, and the product. Records shall remain legible, readily identifiable, and retrievable.
4.5 Assembly procedures shall be described in detail in order to ensure repeatability. Manufacturing records shall be kept, thus enabling comparison between the procedures in use and defined manufacturing procedures.
4.6 The results of inspections or tests requiring action shall be recorded. The action to be taken where control values or criteria are not met shall be recorded and retained for the period specified in the manufacturer’s quality system or as required by regulations.
5 General construction and assembly
5.1 Components and materials used in a device shall either comply with an applicable standard or shall be evaluated for the intended application as part of the device.
5.2 The devices evaluated under this Standard shall be designed in accordance with reasonable concepts of safety, durability, and maintainability. Note: All specifications as to construction set forth herein may be satisfied by the construction prescribed or such construction as will provide at least equivalent performance.
5.3 A hose breakaway device shall be designed such that upon separation under the pressurized condition, separation shall cause the flow of LNG from the dispenser and hose to cease within one second, and allow the bleed-down of gas between the downstream portion of the breakaway and the vehicle fuelling nozzle at a rate that prevents the pressure buildup to exceed maximum working pressure. Similarly, when a fuel tank vent hose with a breakaway device is used, separation shall prevent vapour flow from the dispenser and ensure a controlled release of vapour from the vent hose.
5.4 Breakaway devices shall be suitable for use at a service temperature range of at least –196 °C (–320 °F) to 65 °C (150 °F) and an ambient temperature range of –40 °C (–40 °F) to 65 °C (150 °F). Note: If device testing is performed with liquid nitrogen, components and materials that are in contact with the test fluid should be rated for a minimum service temperature range of –196 °C (–320 °F) to 65 °C (150 °F).

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