CSA ANSI Z21.58:2018 pdf free download – Outdoor cooking gas appliances

02-21-2022 comment

CSA ANSI Z21.58:2018 pdf free download – Outdoor cooking gas appliances
3 Definitions
The following definitions shall apply in this Standard:
Air shutter — an adjustable device for varying the size of the primary air inlet(s).
Automatic gas ignition systems — a system designed to ignite and re-ignite appliance burner(s). Such systems shall:
a) automatically ignite gas at the main burner, or gas at the pilot burner so the pilot can ignite the main burner;
b) prove the presence of either the ignition source, the main burner flame, or both; and
c) automatically act to shut off the gas supply to the main burner or to the pilot burner and the main burner, when the supervised flame or ignition is not proved.
Baffle — an object placed in an outdoor cooking gas appliance to change the direction of, or retard the flow of air, gas-air mixtures, or flue gases. Base — the lowest supporting frame or structure of the outdoor cooking gas appliance, exclusive of legs. Broiler unit — an outdoor cooking gas appliance or part of an outdoor cooking gas appliance which cooks primarily by radiated heat. This definition includes: Open top broiler — a broiler in which the source of radiant heat is below the surface on which cooking is done. Top-fired broiler — a broiler in which the source of radiant heat is above the surface on which cooking is done. BTU — abbreviation for British Thermal Unit. The quantity of heat required to raise the temperature of 1 pound of water 1°F (0.45 kg of water 0.56 °C). Burner — a device for the final conveyance of the gas, or a mixture of gas and air, to the combustion zone. Atmospheric injection burner — a burner in which the air at atmospheric pressure is injected into the burner by a jet of gas. Injection burner — a burner employing the energy of a jet of gas to inject air for combustion into the burner and mix it with the gas. Rotisserie burner — see broiler unit, top-fired broiler. Sear burner — a burner used specifically for searing food on a cooking grid that is intended to be used for a specific operating time and input rate in accordance with the instructions (operating manual) provided with the outdoor cooking gas appliance.
Smoker burner — a burner which may or may not be operating under a cooking grid, used specifically for igniting and smoldering/smoking wood for food flavoring, in accordance with the instructions (operating manual) provided with the outdoor cooking gas appliance. Yellow-flame burner — a burner in which secondary air only is depended on for the combustion of the gas. Burner head — that portion of a burner beyond the outlet end of the mixer tube which contains the ports. Burner, top — an open air burner used in conjunction with a utensil support intended for use with typical cooking utensils. Combination unit — an outdoor cooking gas appliance comprised of both a top unit and a broiler unit. Combustion — the rapid oxidation of fuel gases accompanied by the production of heat or heat and light. Combustion chamber — the portion of an outdoor cooking gas appliance within which combustion occurs. Combustion products — constituents resulting from the combustion of a fuel gas with the oxygen of the air, including the inerts, but excluding excess air. Controls — devices designed to regulate the gas, air, water or electrical supplies to a gas outdoor cooking gas appliance. These may be manual, semiautomatic or automatic. Cooking grid — the surface upon which the food to be broiled or cooked is placed. Cubic foot of gas — the amount of gas which would occupy one cubic foot when at a temperature of 60°F if saturated with water vapor and under a pressure equivalent to that of 30 in Hg column.

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