IEC 60350-1:2021 pdf free download – Household electric cooking appliances

02-09-2022 comment

IEC 60350-1:2021 pdf free download – Household electric cooking appliances
6.2.2Usable height
The usable height is the maximum length of a cylinder with a diameter of 200 mm reachingvertically from the centre of the cavity floor to the lowest point on the ceiling. The lowest pointof the ceiling can be constituted by a lamp, a heating element or similar object in the area ofthe cylinder.
ln the event that either the width or the depth of the cavity is less than 250 mm, the diameterof the cylinder to be measured shall be reduced to 120 mm.
NOTE The centre of the cavity bottom is defined by the middle of the usable depth and the middle of the usablewidth.
6.2.3Usable width
The usable width is the maximum length of a cylinder with a diameter of 200 mm reachinghorizontally from the left-hand side wall to the right-hand side wall of the cavity.
In the event that either the height or the depth of the cavity is less than 250 mm, the diameterof the cylinder to be measured shall be reduced to 120 mm.
NOTEThe centre of the side wall of the cavity is defined by the middle of the usable depth and the middle of theusable height.
6.2.4Usable depth
The usable depth is the maximum length of a cylinder with a diameter of 200 mm reachinghorizontally from the centre of the rear wall to the inner face of the closed door.
In the event that either the width or the height of the cavity is less than 250 mm, the diameterof the cylinder to be measured shall be reduced to 120 mm.
For measuring the usable depth, the gauge is placed on a support in such a way that the axislies horizontally in the centre of the cavity, the axis being extended slightly over the expectedusable depth.The door is closed carefully so that the gauge is compressed to give the usabledepth.
NOTE The centre of the rear wall of the cavity is defined by the middle of the usable height and the middle of theusable width.
Where the surfaces forming the boundaries of the cavity incorporate protrusions ordepressions,the planes used for measurement shall be those comprising the largestpercentages of the total areas of the surfaces.Holes in surfaces shall be disregarded whencalculating areas for this determination.
6.3.5 Overall volume of rectangular cavities
The overall volume is the total internal volume of the cavity in which cooking takes place,expressed as the product of H,W and D determined as above, divided by 106 and rounded tothe nearest litre.
6.3.6 Overall volume of non-rectangular cavities
Non-rectangular cavities shall have the volume of any non-conforming section such as acurved door or cavity wall determined by direct measurement and the application ofconventional geometrical calculations. The remainder of the cavity shall be treated as arectangular cavity and the individual volumes added together.The volume is expressed to thenearest litre.

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