IEC 60825-12:2004 pdf free download – Safety of laser products
This part of lEC 60825 provides requirements and specific guidance for the manufacture andsafe use of laser products and systems used for point-to-point or point-to-multipoint freespace optical data transmission.This standard only addresses the open beam portion of thesystem. If portions of the equipment or system incorporate optical fibre that extends from theconfinements of the enclosure(s),the manufacturing and safety requirements underIEC 60825-1 apply to those portions only.This standard does not apply to systems designedfor purposes of transmitting optical power for applications such as material processing ormedical treatment. This standard also does not apply to the use of systems in explosiveatmospheres.
Throughout this part of lEC 60825,light-emitting diodes (LEDs) are included whenever theword “laser” is used.
The objective of this part of lEC 60825 is to:
– provide information to protect people from potentially hazardous optical radiation produced by free space optical communication systems (Fsocs) by specifying engineering controlsand requirements,administrative controls and work practices according to the degree ofthe hazard;
– specify requirements for manufacturing, installation, service and operating organisations inorder to establish procedures and provide written information so that proper precautionscan be adopted.
Because of the nature of FSocS, also known as optical wireless or free-air informationtransmission systems,care must be taken in their manufacture as well as their installation,operation, maintenance and service to assure the safe deployment and use of these systems.This standard places the responsibility for certain product safety requirements,as well asrequirements for providing appropriate information on how to use these systems safely,on themanufacturer of the system and/or transmitters. lt places the responsibility for the safedeployment and use of these systems on the installer and/or operating organisation. lt placesthe responsibility for adherence to safety instructions during installation and serviceoperations on the installation and service organisations as appropriate, and during operationand maintenance functions on the operating organisation. It is recognised that the user of thisstandard may fall into one or more of the categories of manufacturer,installer,serviceorganisation andlor operating organisation as mentioned above.
Any laser product is exempt from all further requirements of this part of lEC 60825 if
– classification by the manufacturer according to lEC 60825-1 shows that the emission leveldoes not exceed the accessible emission limit(AEL) of Class 1 under all conditions ofoperation,maintenance, service and failure, and
– it does not contain an embedded laser product.
3.7 access level 3B
level for which, under reasonably foreseeable circumstances, human access to laser radiationin excess of the accessible emission limits of Class 3B for the applicable wavelengths andemission duration will not occur
3.8 access level 4
level for which, under reasonably foreseeable circumstances, it is possible that human accessto laser radiation in excess of the accessible emission limits of Class 3B for the applicablewavelengths and emission duration could occur
3.9 automatic power reduction (APR)
feature of a transmitter of a’Fsocs, provided by the system equipment manufacturer, bywhich the accessible power in the nominal hazard zone (NHZ) or NHiZ-Aided is reduced to aspecified value within a specified time,whenever there is an event which could result inhuman exposure to optical radiation above the maximum permissible exposure (MPE), e.g.bya person entering the NHZ or NHZ-Aided as applicable. in FSocS, this feature may be usedby the transmitter manufacturer to determine the classification.