IEC 60974-10:2020 pdf free download – Arc welding equipment
4.3Artificial mains network
Measurement of the mains terminal disturbance voltage shall be made using an artificialmains network,if commercially available,consisting of 50 Q/50 uH or 50 Q/50 uH + 5 Q v-network as specified in CISPR 16-1-2:2014 and CISPR 16-1-2:2014/AMD1:2017.
The artificial network is required to provide a defined impedance at RF across the mainssupply at the point of measurement and also to provide for isolation of the equipment undertest from ambient noise on the power lines.
4.4Voltage probe
A voltage probe as specified in CISPR16-1-2:2014 and CISPR16-1-2:2014/AMD1:2017 shallbe used when the artificial mains network cannot be used. The probe is connectedsequentially between each line and the reference earth.The probe shall consist of a blockingcapacitor and a resistor such that the total resistance between the line and earth is at least1 500 Q. The effect on the accuracy of measurement of the capacitor or any other devicewhich may be used to protect the measuring receiver against dangerous currents shall beeither less than 1 dB or allowed for in calibration.
4.6Couplingldecoupling network (CDN)
lf a shielded chamber is required and the load is situated outside the shielded chamber,aload-decoupling network connected to the outside load via suitable RF filters shall be usedinside the chamber. A 150 Q CDN AF 2, as specified in lEC 61000-4-6:2013,suitable for therespective load current and voltage,shall be used. The RF-port of the CDN shall beterminated with 50 Q.
Anysuitable coupling devices specified in CISPR16-1-2:2014 and CISPR16-1-2:2014/AMD1:2017 may be used for the conducted emission assessment of signal, controlor measurement ports.
5 Test set-up for emission and immunity
Emission and immunity testing of equipment that is not PORTABLE shall be carried out onequipment configured in accordance with Figure 2.For PORTABLE equipment,either the testset-up given in Figure 2 or the test set-up given in Figure 3 shall be used.Arc weldingequipment tested in one of these configurations shali be considered to have met thenecessary requirements of this document.
For the measurement of the output current ripple, there are no specific requirements for theequipment configuration.
lf, due to the design of the arc welding equipment,these tests cannot be carried out asdescribed, the manufacturer’s recommendations (for example,temporary bypassing ordisablement of control circuits) should be followed in order to match these test objectives.Anytemporary changes to the arc welding equipment shall be documented.
lf ancillary equipment can be connected to the welding power source, then the welding powersource shall be tested with the minimum configuration of ancillary equipment necessary toexercise the ports. lf the welding power source has a large number of similar PoRTs or PORTswith many similar connections,then a sufficient number shall be selected to simulate actualoperating conditions and to ensure that all the different types of termination are covered.
For mains terminal voltage disturbance tests the welding power source shall be connected tothe electricity supply using the V-network specified in 4.3 whenever possible.The V-networkshall be located so that its closest surface is no less than 0,8 m from the nearest boundary ofthe equipment under test.The input cable shall have a minimum length of 2 m.