IEC 62023:2011 pdf free download – Structuring of technical information and documentation

02-10-2022 comment

IEC 62023:2011 pdf free download – Structuring of technical information and documentation
The different structures suit different working tasks:
– a function-oriented structure is based on the purpose of a system. A function-oriented structure shows the subdivision of the system into constituent objects with respect to thefunction aspect,without taking into account possible location and/or product aspects ofthese objects;
NOTE 1 Documents in which the information on a system is organized in accordance with a function-orientedstructure highlight the functional relations among the components of that system.
– a product-oriented structure is based on the way a system is implemented,constructed ordelivered using intermediate or final components. A product-oriented structure shows thesubdivision of the system into constituent objects with respect to the product aspectwithout taking into account possible function and/or location aspects of these objects;
NOTE 2 Documents in which the information on a system is organized in accordance with a product-orientedstructure highlight the physical arrangements of the components of that system.
– a location-oriented structure is based on the topographical layout or the spatial constituents of an object. A location-oriented structure shows the subdivision of thesystem into constituent objects with respect to the location aspect without taking intoaccount possible product and/or function aspects of these objects.
NOTE 3 Documents in which the information on a system is organized in accordance with a location-orientedstructure highlight the topographical relations among the components of that system.
For further information on structuring,see lEC 81346-1:2009.
4.2Objects and documents describing the objects
A number of different ways of producing, presenting, storing and distributing information aboutobjects exist.
Computers make it easy to process a set of information as a coherent unit,in principleregardless of volume.Outside of the computer system,this set of information has usually tobe divided into subsets of information for transfer to other systems and for presentation viaother media.
Traditional practice is to work with limited subsets of information in the form of documents,aconcept that is also used in connection with computer-stored information and has thereforeacquired the generalized definition of a structured set of information capable of beingprocessed and exchanged as a unit between users and/or systems.
4.3Documentation structure and document structure
4.3.1 Documentation structure
The documentation structure describes how the total amount of information about a plant,system,product,etc. is split up among different documents and the relations among thesedocuments.
A documentation structure that takes advantage of the object concept very precisely reflectsthe structure of the actual plant,system, equipment or product.The ‘defined documents shallthen be associated to the object as a whole or to the identified sub-objects. A defineddocument should not deal with anything outside of the relevant object or sub-object.
NOTE This does not prohibit that a document in such a set of documentation also can be used (by reference) togive information on another object, provided that it as a whole is relevant also in that context.
Sets of documentation thus defined can then be manipulated as a whole in order to fit intodifferent contexts,which is a necessary prerequisite for efficient re-use of information.
4.3.2Document structure
The document structure describes how the information within a specific document is split up indifferent document parts and the relations among these parts.

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