IEC 62271-104:2015 pdf free download – High-voltage switchgear and controlgear
When testing of a complete switch pole is not practicable, component tests may be acceptedas type tests. Components are separate functional sub-assemblies which can be operatedindependently of the complete switch (e. g. pole,breaking unit,operating mechanism).Themanufacturer should determine the components which are suitable for testing.
When component tests are made, the manufacturer shall prove that the mechanical stress onthe component during the tests is not less than the mechanical stress applied to the samecomponent when the complete switch is tested. When component tests are used for type testsas an alternative to the testing of the complete switch,they shall cover all different types ofcomponents of the complete switch,provided that the particular test is applicable to thecomponent.
Parts of auxiliary and control equipment which have been manufactured in accordance withthe relevant standards shall comply with such standards.The proper function of such parts inconnection with the function of the other parts of the switch shall be verified.
Unless otherwise specified, the tests may be made at any convenient ambient airtemperature.
The supply voltage of the operating device shall be measured at the terminals duringoperation of the switch. Auxiliary equipment forming part of the operating device shall beincluded. Impedance shall not be added between the supply and the terminals of the devicefor regulation of the applied voltage.
For manually operated switches, the handle may, for convenience of testing, be replaced byan external power device wherein the operating speed of the switch contacts is equivalent tothat for operation with a manual handle.
6.102.1Arrangement of the switch for tests
The switch under test shall be completely mounted on its own support, or on an equivalentsupport. lts operating device shall be operated in the manner prescribed and in particular, if itis electrically or pneumatically operated, it shall be operated at the minimum supply voltage orair pressure, respectively.
Before commencing making and breaking tests, no-load operations shall be made,and detailsof the operating characteristics of the switch,such as speed of travel,closing time andopening time, shall be recorded.
lf applicable, tests shall be performed at the minimum gas density of the gas for interruptionand insulation.
Switches with manual operation may be operated by remote control or power operating meanssuch that an operating speed equivalent to that of the manual operator is obtained.
Consideration shall be given to the effects of energization of either terminal of the switch.When the switch in service can be supplied or energized from either terminal, and thephysical arrangement of one side of the switch differs from that of the other side, the supplyside of the test circuit shall be connected to one side so as to represent the most onerousconditions. In case of doubt,50 % of the total number of close-open operations of each testduty shall be carried out with the supply side on the test circuit connected to one side of theswitch and the remaining 50 % of each test duty shall be made with the supply connected tothe other side.
After the test, the switch shall not show significant deterioration, shall be capable of operatingnormally,carrying its rated normal current and withstanding the voltage specified underdielectric tests.The condition of the contacts shall not be such as to affect the performancematerially at any making and/or breaking current up to its rated value.The arcing contacts orany other specified renewable parts may be worn. The quality of the oil or other material usedfor arc extinguishing may be impaired and its amount reduced below the normal level.Theremay be deposits on the insulators caused by the decomposition of the arc extinguishingmedium.