IEC 62474:2018 pdf free download – Material declaration for products of and for the electrotechnical industry
A composition declaration provides substance data at a material and/or product part and/orproduct level.This data can also be used to verify compliance of a product.
For simplicity,not all of the mandatory requirements are displayed in the diagrams (e.g. massor mass percent information or mandatory declaration of certain product parts or materials inthe composition declaration when the reporting threshold level refers to such product parts ormaterials and the reporting threshold level is exceeded) (see 4.5 for details).
The developer’s table within the lEC 62474 database contains a full description of mandatoryand optional requirements.Annex A provides an informative reference for mandatory andoptional information.However, if there is a discrepancy between the lEC 62474 database andAnnex A, the lEC 62474 database shall take precedence.
4.1.2Conformity to the lEC 62474 standard
For a material declaration to conform to the lEC 62474 standard, it shall utilize the lEC 62474database consisting of the DSL, material class list and the data exchange format and meetthe requirements specified in this document. The material declaration shall specify thedeclarable substance list authority as “IEC62474″ and the list identity and list version asspecified within the lEC62474 database.
This document enables the declaration against other lists. If a list contains, at minimum, theIEC 62474 DSL,utilizes the lEC 62474 data exchange format,and meets the requirementsspecified in the standard, it is in conformity with the standard. lf other lists are used, theyshall contain a list authority,list identity and list version and should be based on industrystandard requirements. If a list does not contain at minimum the lEC 62474 DSL, it is not inconformity with this document.
The following requirements apply to such DSs or DSG substance(s) when declared:
a) Such substances shall be assigned to the material (if material is declared), to the product part (if material is not declared and product part is declared) or otherwise to the product(ifneither material nor product parts are declared).
b) Such substances shall be named as given in the DSL or RSL if the substance(s) are listed in the DSL or RSL. These substances shall be identified using the CAS Registry Number(if assigned), EC Commission Number (if assigned) or other identifier such as a DSL entryidentity.
NOTE 2 The CAS Registry Number is a unique numeric identifier assigned by the Chemical Abstracts Service,a division of the American Chemical Society.
NOTE 3 The European Commission Number (also referred to as EC Number,EC-No and EC#) is a uniquenumeric identifier assigned by the Commission of the European Union to substances that are commerciallyavailable within the European Union.
c) In general,the declaration for such substances shall include either the mass or mass percent. lf mass percent is declared,then the percentage shall be the mass of thesubstance with respect to the mass of the material (if the material is declared) orotherwise the mass of the product part (if the product part is declared) or otherwise themass of the product.
NOTE 4 The reporting requirement as a percentage of the material mass can differ e.g.the numerator for thispercentage can be the sum of the masses of all DSG substances belonging to a DSG present or just the massof a specific element. Details are given in the DSL Such DS or DsG substance(s) within different materials or different product parts shall bedeclared separately for each occurrence at or above the threshold in the product.
d) lf a Ds or DsG substance(s) has a reporting threshold that refers to an element or compound, the mass percent of the element or compound shall be used to determine if thesubstance is at or above threshold
– lf more than one substance in a DsG is present,then the contribution of all such substances shall be summed to determine if the reporting threshold has been reached.
e) Such substances may have information on applicable exemptions pertaining to the allowed use. lf such information is provided, it shall be included in the material declaration that ispassed through the supply chain.