IEEE 1031:2011 pdf free download – IEEE Guide for the Functional Specification of Transmission Static Var Compensators

02-14-2022 comment

IEEE 1031:2011 pdf free download – IEEE Guide for the Functional Specification of Transmission Static Var Compensators
mechanically switched reactor (MSR): A shunt-connected circuit containing a mechanical powerswitching device in series with a reactor.
point of common coupling (PCC*): The connection point between the sVC and the power system atwhich performance requirements are defined.
point of connection (POC”): For an sVC with a dedicated transformer,the high-voltage (HV) bus towhich the whole is connected.For an SVC connected to an existing transformer or direct connected, thebusbar to which the svC is connected.
reference voltage (Vrer””): The point on the voltage/current (V/I) characteristic where the static varcompensator (SVC) is at zero output (i.e., where no reactive power is absorbed from, or supplied to, thetransmission system where the voltage is controlled).
response time: The duration from a step change in control signal input until the voltage changes by 90% ofits final change, before any overshoot.
settling time: The duration from a step change in control signal input until the SVC output settles to within士5% of the required control output.
slope: The ratio of the voltage change to the current change over a defined controlled range of the svcnormally the full (inductive plus capacitive) range at nominal voltage, expressed as a percentage.
static synchronous compensator (STATCOM): A static synchronous generator operated as a shunt-connected SVC, whose capacitive or inductive output current can be controlled independently of the acsystem voltage.
static var compensator (SVC): A shunt-connected static var generator or absorber whose output isadjusted to exchange capacitive or inductive current to maintain or control specific parameters of theelectrical power system (typically bus voltage).
static var system (sVS): A combination of different static var devices and mechanically switched vardevices whose outputs are coordinated.
thyristor-controlled reactor (TCR): A shunt-connected reactor in series with a thyristor valve. The effec-tive reactance of the inductor is varied in a continuous manner by partial conduction of the thyristor valve.thyristor-switched capacitor (TSC): A shunt-connected capacitor (or capacitor arranged as a filter) inseries with a thyristor valve which is used to switch the capacitor oN or OFF. A current limiting reactor or adamping network is connected in series with the capacitor and the thyristor valve.
thyristor-switched reactor (TSR): A shunt-connected reactor in series with a thyristor valve that is usedto switch the reactor ON or OFF.
voltage/current (V/1) characteristic: The relationship between the current of the SVC and the voltage atits point of connection.
5.3 Schedule
Project completion is_calendar days after contract start. The supplier’s project schedule is due__calendar days after contract start and should include such details as dates for commencement andcompletion of work on several controlling features of the project, dates for user-furnished services, dates onwhich supplier-furnished drawings will be provided and approval given, and dates and length of time ofany required power outages.
Design review meetings should be held between the user and supplier to review and discuss progress of thedesign and supply of the SVC. The first design review should be held within_ calendar days aftercontract start. Subsequent design reviews should be held according to the agreed project schedule.

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