IEEE 1110:2019 pdf free download – IEEE Guide for Synchronous GeneratorModeling Practices and ParameterVerification with Applications in PowerSvstem Stability Analyses

02-12-2022 comment

IEEE 1110:2019 pdf free download – IEEE Guide for Synchronous GeneratorModeling Practices and ParameterVerification with Applications in PowerSvstem Stability Analyses
1.2 Scope
This guide contains instructions for modeling synchronous machines in direct- and quadrature-axisequivalent circuits, along with the basic transient and subtransient reactance/time-constants model in viewof stability studies. It discusses assumptions made in using various models and presents the fundamentalequations and concepts involved in generator/system interfacing.The manner in which generator saturationis treated in network studies, both in the initialization process as well as during large or small disturbancestability analysis procedures is addressed.Approaches for improving the accuracy of field and excitationsystem quantities are identified and conversion factors are given for transferring field parameters from onebase to another for correct generator/excitation system interface modeling. Parameter determination andtranslation from equivalent-circuits to operational impedances or vice-versa is covered.Data analysismethods for obtaining these parameters using measurements from field tests or finite-clement computationsare explained and illustrated with a wide range of generator and test data.However,this guide refers toapplicable standards (such as IEEE Std 115) or contract specification for scheduling such tests.Also, thisguide does not attempt to recommend specific procedures for machine representation in non-standard oratypical cases such as generator tripping and overspeed operation or models for harmonics or unbalancedoperation.
1.3 Purpose
The modeling of synchronous machines for stability studies and analyses is subject to continuing reviewand possible improvements.The guide addresses both parameter identification for static and dynamicstability analyses while accounting for generator saturation.Emphasis is placed on discussing variousaspects of synchronous generator/power system interactions in steady and dynamic operation modes.
1.4 Specialized problems in stability not discussed in this guide
This guide does not attempt to recommend specific procedures for machine representation in non-standardor atypical cases such as generator tripping and overspeed operation or models for harmonics or unbalancedoperation.Similarly, modeling suggestions for subsynchronous resonance(SSR) studies are documented inDandeno and Iravani [B10] and IEEE [B35].Recent investigations have shown that models developed fromsmall-signal analyses,based on standstill-frequency-response data,are also adequate for sSRinvestigations.This applies to situations where third-order models have been found to be necessary to coverthe frequency spectrum from 15 Hz to 50 Hz (IEEE[B35]).
1.5 Overview of the guide
Clause 3 discusses the various categories of stability studies that are commonly performed during powersystem studies and the corresponding synchronous generator modeling requirements. Clause 4 then reviewssome of the basic principles of synchronous generator modeling and discusses the range of models whichcan be used in the study of synchronous generator dynamic behavior as is summarized in Table 1 ofClause 4.This clause emphasizes the point that a model is uniquely determined only when both its structure(e.g., the number of assumed conducting paths in the rotor) and its parameters (as obtained from test data oranalytical techniques) are specified.Clause 5 next presents guidelines as to how the various modelsdiscussed in Clause 4 can be applied to the various types of stability studies that are discussed in Clause 3.
Clause 6 then discusses the effects of saturation on the performance of synchronous machines and varioustechniques which have been developed for incorporating these effects in synchronous generator models.Included in Annex D is the development of direct- and quadrature-axis saturation functions.Becausesaturation is an inherently nonlinear phenomenon while the commonly-used generator models are linear,the techniques used for incorporating saturation effects into generator models are somewhat ad hoc. This isan area in which further investigation is clearly required.

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