IEEE 1222:2011 pdf free download – IEEE Standard for Testing and Performance for All-Dielectric Self-Supporting (ADSS) Fiber Optic Cablefor Use on Electric Utility Power Lines

02-14-2022 comment

IEEE 1222:2011 pdf free download – IEEE Standard for Testing and Performance for All-Dielectric Self-Supporting (ADSS) Fiber Optic Cablefor Use on Electric Utility Power Lines
5.3 On-site optical acceptance testing
Upon receipt of the ADSs cable from the supplier, it is recommended that the purchaser visually inspecteach reel. If physical damage to the reel or lagging is found, the cable should be inspected for damage andthe manufacturer notified prior to taking acceptance of the shipment. A check should be made to verify thereceived reel quantities and lengths correspond to the ordered quantities.
Upon receipt of the cable, it is recommended that acceptance tests be performed to verify that the opticalcharacteristics of the fiber meet the order requirements and to determine if optical fibers have beendamaged during shipment. The results of these tests and the supplier’s certified quality control information,which is attached to each reel, should be compared to the fiber requirements specified in the purchaseorder.
These tests may be performed by either of two methods. The first method is to use an Optical Time DomainReflectometer (OTDR ) and the second is to use a light source and a power meter. Access to only one cnd ofthe cable is required using the OTDR.Use of the OTDR method means it is not necessary to remove theouter protective covering if the inside end is available. Both ends of the cable shall be accessible whenusing the light source and power meter method. It is necessary to remove at least a portion of the outercovering to use the light source and power meter. A one (1) km length of fiber may be spliced (mechanicalsplice is acceptable) between the OTDR and the cable to improve resolution near the cabie end.However, itshould be noted, when using an OTDR, breaks or damage within 10 m of either end of the fiber from wherethe OTDR is connected may not be detectable. If a reel fails using the single end OTDR method, thenbefore rejection of the reel, the fiber(s) in question should be tested from the opposite end and the resultsfor the fiber(s) from each direction averaged to determine the true optical attenuation. The end of the cableshould be re-scaled after completion of these tests in order to prevent entry of moisture into the cable.Thefiber manufacturer should be notified if the bi-directional averaged OTDR attenuation for the entire reellength in dB/km exceeds the specified cable attenuation.
The fiber length may also be measured using an OTDR. lIt should be compared to the fiber lengthmeasurement supplied by the fiber manufacturer. The index of refraction to be used in this measurementshould be furnished by the fiber supplier.
5.4 Environmental pollution
An ADSs cable must be able to withstand the natural elements that exist at its installation location.Theenvironmental pollution level at installation routes can vary vastly from location to location. Therefore,some ADSS designs are more suitable for certain locations than other designs. Locations that are lowcontamination sites do not require extreme contamination protection for problems like dry band arcing;.whereas,high contamination sites such as salt water zones,industrial pollution zones,volcanic sulfurzones, or combinations of zones require special protection from dry band arcing on the ADSs.
5.5 Low pollution installation sites
These areas are defined as installation locations that have low levels of contaminate materials such as salts,industrial pollution,volcanic pollution, naturally occurring atmospheric/animal corrosive pollutants or anycombinations of these materials. Care shall be taken when considering ADSS that may be affected by othercontaminates or damaging elements such as wind blown sand.
ADSs cables defined in this standard can be installed in low pollution installation sites, provided the properelectrical evaluation is performed. See the acceptance criteria section of the electrical test in 6.5.4.

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