IEEE 1278.2:2015 pdf free download – IEEE Standard for Distributed Interactive Simulation (DIS) – Communication Services and Profiles

02-14-2022 comment

IEEE 1278.2:2015 pdf free download – IEEE Standard for Distributed Interactive Simulation (DIS) – Communication Services and Profiles
This standard specifies the communication service requirements and applicable profiles required foruse with distributed interactive simulation (DIS) communication systems. This standard is dividedinto five six clauses and an associated informative annexes. Clause 1 provides the scope and purposeof the standard and key assumptions concerning the DIS applications using the standard. Clause 2lists references to other standards that are required for use with this standard.Clause 3 provides alist of definitions of terms and acronyms that are used in this standard. It is imperative for the userof this standard to thoroughly review these definitions before proceeding on to other clauses. Clause4 contains requirements concerning the communication services at the network and transport layersthat are necessary to support DIS communications. Clause 5 contains requirements to support DIScommunication in the application layer, Clause 6 details the profiles recommended for use by DISsystems. These profiles support the required communication services described in the rest of thisstandard Clause 4 and Clause 5.Annex A provides guidance for using IP multicast addressing.Abibliography is provided in the Annex B.
The communication services definition for DIS employs a layered model that is based on supportsboth the four-layer Internet model defined in RFC 11221 and the seven-layer Open SystemsInterconnection Reference Model (OSIRM) defined in ISOIEC 7498-1:1994.The communicationfunctions of the network are divided into a hierarchical set of layers. Each layer performs an integralsubset of special functions required to communicate with another layer of similar type.
To avoid confusion between the Internet and OSI models, the layer numbers are not used in thisstandard,rather,the OSl layer names are used.Any services that appear in the presentation orsession layers in the OSI reference model are usually considered to be in the application layer in theInternet model.This standard addresses the communication services in the network/transport layers(Clause 4) and the application layer (Clause 5).The lower layers (data link and physical) aregenerally a matter of detailed network infrastructure and are not addressed in this standard.Services that are not common to DIS simulations are not addressed. This does not prevent DISexercises from using those services if necessary.
Profiles are a defined set of technologies that meet the service requirements defined in Clause 4 andClause 5.Clause 6 includes several profiles that are typical for DIS exercises. It is up to the users todetermine which profile will satisfy the requirements for a particular exercise.Furthermore, thisstandard addresses the communication services network layers 3 and 4 only. It is envisioned thatfuture versions of this standard will address the remaining layers (5, 6, and parts of 7);Other profilesare possible and are allowed for use by DIS simulations where necessary.
The PDUs detailed in IEEE Std. 1278.1TM define the common language by which simulationapplications communicate.This includes simulators of different and unrelated design andarchitecture,including instrumented live platforms and virtual and constructive simulations. Theonly restriction placed on the participating simulator or site is the way it communicates within a DIS
Where the DIS PDUs define the information passed between simulation applications, this standarddefines how the host computers for those simulation applications can be connected in a modularfashion to facilitate the communication at the local and global levels. This will be done through therequired use of communications standards that promote interoperability.

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