IEEE 1484.12.3:2005 pdf free download – IEEE Standard for Learning Technology – Extensible MarkupLanguage (XML) Schema Definition Language Binding for Learning Object Metadata

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IEEE 1484.12.3:2005 pdf free download – IEEE Standard for Learning Technology – Extensible MarkupLanguage (XML) Schema Definition Language Binding for Learning Object Metadata
5.1 General information
A s defined in 正EE Std 148412.1-2002,allLOM data ekm ents are optinal.An X SD for the LOM v1.Dbase schem a shallnot requie any LOM data to be presentin aLOM XM L instanae.
The LOM v10 base schem a defines an aggiegation relationshp betwt cen data item s.An XSD forLOMdefines an aggnegation relationshp betw een subekem ents that m aintains the relationshp defined in theLOM v1. base schem a. In a LOM XM Linstance, a subelem ent shall appear ony w ithin the aggnegateekem ent of the aggiegation relationshp. For exam ple, in 54 3.1, the dentifier stbeem ent appears bydefinition as a com ponentoftheM etaM etadata ekrm entdescrbed in 5.43.The presende ofthe sbekm entautom atically in plies the presence ofthe aggiegate elerm ent to w hich the sbelem entbelongs.
The LOM vl0 bam schem a does not define any squencing of LOM data ekm ents, exoept for theiraggiegation relationships. Therefore, an XM L Schem a binding of the LOM v1.0 base sxchem a shall notdefine any sequence ofthe ekem ents in aLOM XM L instance , except fortheir aggrecation relationships.NOTE一XM L nam es used in this Standad are derived fiom LOM data ekerm entnam es by concatenating theLOM dataekm entnam es and using lowerCamelCase capitalization.
5.1.1 Smallest permitted maximums
The w 3C XM L Schem a definition language does not suppot the conoept of SPM s as defined in正EEStd 1484.12.1-2002.Thew 3C XM L Schem a definition languacge does povide am eans for restrictingm axim um engths (ie,maxLength for chaacter strings) and m axim um num bers of occumences(ie, maxOccurs for aggiegate ekm ents); how ever, these nesbrictions ae not com patible w ith thedefinition ofSPM .
faLOM XM Linstance containsm ore than the SPM num berofoccunenoes ofaLOM data ekem ent, thenan application shall pocess at least the SPM num ber of ocaunenoes of the LOM data ekm ent. If aLOMXM L instance containsm ore than the SPM num ber of characters in a chaacter string, then an applicationshall proaess at least the SPM num ber of chaacters in the character string. (SPM s forLOM data ekem entsand character strings are defined in EEE Std 1484.121-2002.)
NOTE- To encouiage inteopenability,cneators of XSDs that intend to validate LOM XM L instances againsEEE Std 148412.1-2002 should notuse maxoccurs ormaxLength restrictions orshould set the restricted lim its tounbounded.
5.3 Table format and organization
This Standad uses tabls to descrioe the requiem ents for a LOM XM Linstance. The tables expiessiequiem ents foreach LOM data ekem entin the LOM v10 base schem a.These rnequirem ents ae as folbw s:- LOM data element:The nameofthe LOM data elm ent in theLOM v1 0 bae shem a.
XML name: The name used n a LOM XM L insanoe that confom s to this standad for theconesponding LOM data elem ent.A dash (“-“) in the tables in 55, w hich describe cm m on LOMdata types and LoM data ekm ents,indicates that no XM L nam e exists because the LOM nam eeers to a data type instead of a LOM data eln ent.
– Subelements: A listing of sbekm ents of the LOM data ekm ent.An entary of “N one”indicates thatthe LOM data eem ent does not have sibekm ents. If ptesent, the sibekem ents lised shall becontained by theirassociated aggregate ekm ent, w hich ensures thatthe aggregation relationships ofthe LOM v1.0 base schem a cm ponents are enforoed.The orderof appearanae of sibelm ents shallnotbe significant.
– Min: If a LOM data ekm ent is not the top-lvelLoM ekerm ent, the requitemn ent on the m inin umnumn ber of tin es the LOM data ekem entm ay appear in a LOM XM L instance in the context of theLOM data elm ents aggregate elkem ent. For the LoM ekm ent, the requinrem ent on the m inin umnnum beroftim es the LoM data ekm entm ay appear in a LOM XM L instance.
– Max: Ifa LOM data ekem ent is not the top-levelLOM ekem ent, the iequirm ent on the m axim um
num ber of tim es the LOM data ekm entm ay eppear in a LOM XM L instance in the contextof theLOM data ekm ents aggnegate ekm ent.For the LOM ekm ent, the requirem ent on the m axin umnum beroftim es the LoM ekm entm ay appear in aLOM XM L instance.An infiniy sym bol (bxo)indicates that the m axin um num beroftin es is unbounded.V ales in parenthesis are SPM s.
– Order: TIndiates w hether the oidlerof the vales is significant.This Standand uses thiee designators forthe order: “o rdened,””U nordered,” and “U nspecified.” “o rderd”indicates that the onrderng ofthe vaes is significant. “J noirciered”’indinates that the oriering ofthe values is not sirnificant.Fora LOM data elkem ent that has a m ulplicity of zen or one, the conoxpt of oncier has no m eaning,w hich is indicatec by “U nspecified.”Note:The significanae ofthe orierofa lisoforlenred vales isdetern ined by the in pkm entation.
– LOM data type: TIndicates w hethertheLOM data type is defined as LangString,D ateT im e,D uation,V ocabulary ,orChaacterString,oris unspecified.If theLOM data ekm entis an aggiegate ekm ent,thas no data type and, theefoie, is descrbed as “Unspecified.”Ifthe data type is vocabulary , thepem issbe valies fom the LOM v10 base scham a ae listed.

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