IEEE 1620.1:2006 pdf free download – IEEE Standard for Test Methods for the Characterization of Organic Transistor-Based Ring Oscillators

02-15-2022 comment

IEEE 1620.1:2006 pdf free download – IEEE Standard for Test Methods for the Characterization of Organic Transistor-Based Ring Oscillators
1.1 Scope
This standard describes a method for characterizing organic electronic transistor-based ring oscillators,including measurement techniques,methods of reporting data,and the testing conditions duringcharacterization.
1.2 Purpose
The purpose of this standard is to provide a method for systematically characterizing organic transistor-based ring oscillators. This standard is intended to maximize reproducibility of published results byproviding a framework for testing organic ring oscillators,whose unique properties cause measurementissues not typically encountered with inorganic-based circuitry. This standard stresses disclosure of theprocedures used to measure data and extract parameters so that data quality may be easily assessed.Thisstandard also sets guidelines for reporting data, so that information is clear and consistent throughout theresearch community and industry.
1.3 Electrical characterization overview
1.3.1 Testing apparatus
Testing shall be performed using an electronic device test system with an accuracy and resolution of at least士0.1% of the measurement values for both signal level and timing or frequency measurements. In order tomaintain the necessary accuracy, this test method requires that the instrumentation be calibrated against aknown and appropriate set of standards [e.g.,National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)J.These calibrations may be performed by the equipment user or as a service by the equipment vendor.Calibration is not performed against a known organic field-effect transistor (OFET), organic circuit,orother FET-type device; the basic instrument operations (e.g., voltage, current, and resistance) are calibratedagainst some method traceable to a NIST(or similar internationally recognized standards organization) physical standard.Recalibration is required according to the instrument manufacturer’s recommendationsor when the instrument is moved or when the testing conditions change significantly (temperature changegreater than 10 °C, relative humidity change greater than 30%, etc.).
lt is recommended that a buffer stage or stages be added to the ring oscillator for frequency outputmeasurement.This buffer is typically an additional inverter (often,but not necessarily,with the samephysical design of the inverters used to construct the ring oscillator) with the input terminal connected tothe output of one stage of the oscillator. The output of the buffer stage or stages is then measured. Thismethod of measuring the operating frequency of a ring oscillator helps to minimize the effect of capacitiveloading from the measurement on oscillator performance.
Depending on circuit and measurement details,measured buffer stage output voltage level and swing maynot correspond well to internal circuit values. Direct probing of internal nodes using a low-capacitance,high-impedance active probe can provide additional information about ring oscillator signal level and, forring oscillators with buffered output, the change in operation frequency with internal node probing providesadditional circuit operation information and should be reported.Direct probing of ring oscillator outputwith a low-capacitance, high-impedance active probe is also an acceptable alternative to the use of a bufferstage or stages.For such measurements the capacitance and resistance or current burden of the probeshould be reported.
3.3 Other applicable standards
The measurement and hence characterization of an oscillator is corrupted by various forms of noise anduncertainty. IEEE Std 11397M-1999 [B2] recommends practices for the reporting of measurements andinstabilities associated with oscillators. In addition,IEEE Std 1193TM-1994 [B3]provides insight intopossible systematic instabilities, however, this standard is targeted at oscillators whose frequency stabilityis better than one part in 10 000.

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