IEEE 1623:2020 pdf free download – IEEE Guide for the Functional Specification of Medium Voltage (1kV to 35kV)Electronic Shunt Devices for Dynamic Voltage Compensation

02-15-2022 comment

IEEE 1623:2020 pdf free download – IEEE Guide for the Functional Specification of Medium Voltage (1kV to 35kV)Electronic Shunt Devices for Dynamic Voltage Compensation
4.1 System description
The solid-state electronic shunt device is a power electronic primary power delivery (distribution) systemelement that is connected in parallel with a primary power delivery circuit typically via a coupling transformer.The device supplies reactive power to, as well as absorbs reactive power from, the power delivery system,either to regulate voltage to a set point value or inject reactive power as specified by the user. The most frequentfunction of the device is to dynamically regulate the load voltage of a sensitive load by rapid reactive powerexchange.
Optionally, the device may be equipped with a four-quadrant control and energy storage subsystem to allowvoltage control by both real and reactive power exchange with the system.
Figure 1 shows an example for the circuit diagram of a solid-stateelectronic shunt device used for compensatingvoltage fluctuations by reactive power injection or absorption. In case of a voltage disturbance on the utilityfeeder, the device injects an appropriate amount of reactive power to maintain the feeder voltage.
In Figure 1, a converter (dc to ac converter) generates ac voltage and injects or absorbs reactive or activepower through a coupling transformer secondary connected in parallel with the feeder. A dc link provides theinput voltage and stored energy to the inverter. The inverter uses the energy stored in a capacitor or other kindsof cnergy storage devices [such as batteries, a superconducting magnetic energy storage(SMES) device, or aflywheel through a suitable converter] or from an ac source (supply feeder) through a rectifier.
The device may or may not require dedicated energy storage, depending on the anticipated magnitude of sagor swell. The device controls can help minimize the need for energy storage during unbalanced fluctuation bycharging the dc bus from the high(unaffected or swelled) voltage phase(s).Sufficient stored energy must beprovided to allow the device to compensate fluctuation of maximum expected duration.
In order to interface the device with the power delivery network, additional equipment should be provided,including current and potential transformers,surge arresters,isolation breakers,disconnect switches, andthree-phase low-voltage service for auxiliary power. Surge arresters may not be required for all installations.
Figure 1 is a representative example for the dynamic compensation device.However,other systemconfigurations are available.Clause 4 may not be included in the specification issued by the purchaser.
4.2 Project description
This specification defines the project performance and scope to furnish, install, test, commission, operate,warrant, train user personnel, and place into commercial operation an electronic device for compensation ofvoltage fluctuations at <(general location)>
The purpose of the device is to correct the voltage of<(feeder name)> , connected to <(location)> point.
The device should dynamically maintain voltage at acceptable levels to the above feeder during momentarilyvoltage fluctuations (both balanced and unbalanced) that occur on the feeder, assuming that the voltagedeviation is within the device ratings.As an additional feature, the device may be used for steady-state voltageregulation ofa load and phase balancing of line voltages.

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