IEEE 1636.1:2007 pdf free download – IEEE Trial-Use Standard for Software Interface for Maintenance Information Collection and Analysis

02-15-2022 comment

IEEE 1636.1:2007 pdf free download – IEEE Trial-Use Standard for Software Interface for Maintenance Information Collection and Analysis
4.1 Background
Current automatic test system architectures are implemented with tight coupling between components. Thistight coupling inhibits interoperability by requiring components of the automatic test system to be developed specific to that particular architecture. in many cases,this coupling can be reduced bydeveloping the components that operate relative to standard interfaces.
This trial-use standard will facilitate accomplishing several objectives.First, the standard will serve as asingle source for specifying essential test data with data elements related to the UUT, the Test Station, andthe Test Program.Second,the standard will assist the ATE industry to design and create compatible,interoperable tool sets such as data parsers and writers. Third, the standard will assist ATE users of such data (c.g., automotive, semiconductor, acrospace, and military) to process and display test results across avariety of systems.This trial-use standard is being developed as a “component standard”under IEEE Pl636.SIMICA’s purpose is to specify software interfaces for access, exchange, and analvsis of proedut di0anostic An smaintenance information.Test results provide a subset of the data needed to satisfy SIMICA ‘srequirements.
This trial-use standard also represents the Test Results component of IEEE Std 1671. In defining its overallarchitecture,IEEE 1671 references include both IEEE P1636(SIMICA) and IEEE Std 1636.1(this standard).
4.2 Purpose
The TestResults schema provides a standard format for the transport of both quantitative (measured values)and qualitative (pass/fail determination) test results. The schema design is such that it is possible to store ancillary information such as environmental conditions and system/operator messages in an instancedocument. This information, although not specifically“results,”is intended to permit use of an instance document for a variety of purposes,including statistical analysis and diagnostics. Some examples of this ancillary information include identifying information for the UUT, the test station, and the test program;ambient environmental conditions at the time of the test; test equipment calibration data; as well as test program input data and ancillary textual comments. The schema establishes a hierarchical structure forresults data to permit the grouping of a series of related test results in a single instance document.
4.3 Applicability
This trial-use standard will permit test results data to be shared for a variety of purposes,includingstatistical analysis, diagnostics, and improvement of the unit under test (UUT) repair process.
4.4 Usage
This standard presumes some knowledge of XML and the use of XML schemas. A variety of XMLsoftware tools are available in a number of computer programming languages. This standard makes no presumption regarding the tool(s) being used or the specific test system(s) generating the test resultinformation being captured in an XML instance document. This standard describes the TestResults XMLschema and specifies the document model and information model that conformant instance documents mustfollow. In general, this standard serves as an enhancement to the annotations provided within the XMLschema document. It is anticipated that changes to the schema shall be implemented more frequently thanrevisions to this standard are made.
6.1 XML instance documents
Extensions are permitted to XML instance documents conforming to this standard via standard XMLextension mechanisms. Extensions shall only occur through the facility of the Extension mechanismdescribed in IEEE Std 1671. In short, extensions shall only appear in the specific Extension elementsprovided in the XML schema for this standard.As defined in the W3C XML standard, an extended schemashall conform to the W3C XML schema specification and shall not contain any entities defined in theschema associated with this standard or with the schemas associated with IEEE Std 1671.If a user makesan extension to this schema to overcome perceived shortcomings with this schema, the user shall notifySCC20 DMC of this change. This notification will permit possible incorporation of this extension in futurerelcases of this trial-use standard and associated schema.

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