IEEE 1642:2015 pdf free download – IEEE Recommended Practice for Protecting Publicly Accessible Computer Systems from Intentional Electromagnetic Interference (IEMI)

02-15-2022 comment

IEEE 1642:2015 pdf free download – IEEE Recommended Practice for Protecting Publicly Accessible Computer Systems from Intentional Electromagnetic Interference (IEMI)
1.3 Background
The term high-power electromagnetics (HPEM) has been used for many years and generally describes a setof transient EM environments where the peak electric and magnetic fields can be very high. The typicalenvironments considered in the past as part of HPEM are the EM fields from nearby lightning strikes, theEM fields near an electrostatic discharge (ESD), the high-altitude electromagnetic pulse (HEMP) createdby nuclear bursts, and the EM fields created by radar systems. The EMC Society of the IEEE’s TechnicalCommittee 5 (TC-5), “High Power Electromagnetics,”deals with all of these subjects. In addition, theInternational Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) is active in developing standards for commercialequipment and systems under Subcommittee 77C,”High power transient phenomena.”
ln the past 15 years,two new terms have arisen in the EMC field: EM terrorism [B5]’ and intentionalelectromagnetic interference (IEMI) [B30]. In recent years, the scientific community has agreed to utilizethe more generic term, IEMI, which includes EM terrorism. In February 1999 at a workshop held at theZurich EMC symposium, the currently accepted definition for IEMI was suggested: “Intentional maliciousgeneration of electromagnetic energy introducing noise or signals into electric and electronic systems, thusdisrupting, confusing or damaging these systems for terrorist or criminal purposes”[B41].
lt is noted that hackers are not mentioned explicitly in this definition, although in most countries of theworld, an attack on commercial interests for entertainment purposes is against the law. While the motivesof the attackers may vary, the results can be the same for civil society.The scientific community has beenworking for many years to understand this threat and to provide useful guidance on protection.
lt is important to recognize that a special issue of IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibilitydevoted to HPEM and IEMI [B38] was produced in 2004 (hereafter referred to as “the 2004 SpecialIssue”), summarizing many years of work. This was preceded by two related special issues of thesetransactions covering the nuclear electromagnetic pulse in 1978 [B20] and high-power microwaves (HPM)in 1992 [B21]. It is clear that many EM models and codes developed in the past to deal with the intense,high-frequency portion of the electromagnetic pulse and the high levels of fields associated with HPM arerelevant to the new field of IEMI. This is because the analysis of transient, high-frequency, time-domainEM fields,their coupling to electronic systems, and the protection of equipment and systems from theseenvironments require an understanding of both time-dependent and non-linear aspects, factors not alwayspresent in the routine treatment of EMC.
In addition, the development of miniaturized pulsers and antenna systems in recent years has produced asituation where different types of intense EM fields (narrowband to very wideband) can be produced atclose ranges. With the development of more sophisticated computer equipment and the proximity of thisequipment to the public, it is likely that criminals will use EM threat devices to interfere with thesecomputers, disrupting the ability of companies to provide important services to the public. It is the purposeof this standard practice to recommend methods to protect computers from this new threat through acombination of equipment design and monitoring of the threat.
This standard practice first describes the IEMI threat in detail(Clause 4), which includes the capabilities ofEM weapons, and follows with a discussion of the susceptibilities of typical electronic equipment (4.3 and4.4). Clause 5 discusses the types of equipment to be protected. Protection methods (Clause 6) andmonitoring concepts (Clause 7) are then described, followed by a methodology to determine the protectionlevels required(Clause 8). Finally,Clause 9 describes the basic test methods. A bibliography is alsoprovided for those looking for further information on the subject of IEMI (Annex A).

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