IEEE 1652:2016 pdf free download – IEEE Standard for Translating Head and Torso Simulator Measurements from Eardrum to Other Acoustic Reference Points

02-15-2022 comment

IEEE 1652:2016 pdf free download – IEEE Standard for Translating Head and Torso Simulator Measurements from Eardrum to Other Acoustic Reference Points
1.1 Scope
This standard provides the data,techniques,and rationale for referencing acoustic telephonytranslating head and torso simulator measurements from the eardrum to other acoustic referencepoints, such as the free field and the diffuse field. It applies primarily to ear related measurementssuch as receive, sidetone, and overall. of devices that contact the ear, such as headsets and can also be used for devices that do not contact the ear, such as speakerphones and wearabledevices. It is applicable to communication and multimedia audio devices over the frequency rangeof 20 Hz to 20 kHz
1.2 Purpose
ACommon acoustic reference point is points are needed for comparing electroacoustic performanceof handset,headset, handsfreez handsets,headsets,speakerphones and other kinds of telephoneterminals communication devices. It is also needed for comparing telephone terminalscommunication devices with other devices such as loudspeakers, mobile multimedia terminalsz andconsumer audio equipment. The free field is the and diffuse field are appropriate reference pointpoints because the results relate closely to what is heard by the listener.Therefore we hear. Formeasurements on communication devices,the free field is a or diffuse field are more widelyapplicable reference point for telephony measurements points than the traditional ERP(legacy earreference point)(ERP).
A loudspeaker equalized to provide a flat free field frequency response (shown in Figure 3) and thenmeasured at the eardrum reference point(DRP) of HATS is shown in Figure 4 (the setup) and Figure5 (the measured spectrum).The spectrum includes the effect of body, head, and especially the pinnaand ear canal. When the spectrum is converted to a frequency response, and normalized to 0 dB atvery low frequencies, it becomes the HATS FF translation shown in Figure 6.
5.2 The FF listening experience and the HATS FF translation
Most people prefer to have face-to-face conversations in a FF, or in an environment with fewreflections and minimal reverberation, where the direct path is the strongest component.Underthese conditions intelligibility is good and listening effort is low.
Communication devices are intended to approximate the acoustical experience of a face-to-faceconversation in a FF. The face-to-face conversation is therefore fundamental in evaluating suchdevices.Even when the device is placed on the ear and partly or completely covers it, the acousticalperformance should nonetheless be evaluated using the face-to-face reference. This face-to-faceconversation is sometimes called the orthotelephonic reference.Figure 7 through Figure 13 illustratespeech listening translated to the FF.
6.1 General
Most people prefer to listen to music in a relatively DF, or in an environment with many reflectionsand some reverberation.
Music listening devices are intended to approximate the acoustical experience of listening to musicin a DF. Listening in a DF is therefore fundamental in evaluating such devices. Even when thedevice is placed on the ear and partly or completely covers it, the acoustical performance shouldnonetheless be evaluated using the DF reference. Figure 15 through Figure 21 illustrate musiclistening translated to the DF.

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