IEEE 1679:2020 pdf free download – IEEE Recommended Practice for the Characterization and Evaluation of Energy Storage Technologiesin Stationary Applications

02-15-2022 comment

IEEE 1679:2020 pdf free download – IEEE Recommended Practice for the Characterization and Evaluation of Energy Storage Technologiesin Stationary Applications
1.1 Scope
This document covers recommended information for an objective evaluation of an emerging or alternativeenergy storage technology by a potential user for any stationary application. Energy storage technologies arethose that provide a means for the reversible storage of electrical energy, i.e., the device receives electricalenergy and is able to discharge electrical energy at a later time.The storage medium may be electrochemical(e.g.,batteries),kinetic (e.g.,flywheels),electrostatic(e.g.,electric double-layer capacitors [EDLCs]),thermal, compressed air, or some other medium. While many of the principles outlined in this recommendedpractice can be applied to a wide range of energy storage technologies, the primary focus is on stationarybatteries. Devices recharged by non-clectrical means, such as fuel cells, are beyond the scope of this document.
For the purposes of this document, emerging technologies are defined as those technologies recently, or soonto be, made available for sale under customary commercial terms (e.g., defined scope-of-supply, warrantedperformance).Alternative technologices are those that are currently mature but are less well-known or asfrequently deployed as traditional technologies such as lead-acid and nickel-cadmium batteries or pumped-storage hydro. Stationary applications include both standby service and cycling operation.
The document provides a common basis for the expression of performance characteristics and the treatmentof life-testing data. A standard approach for analysis of failure modes is also provided, including assessmentof safety attributes. The intent of this document is to ensure that characterization information, including testconditions and limits of applicability, is sufficiently complete to allow valid comparisons to be made. Thedocument does not specify test methods, minimum requirements, or pass/fail criteria.
This recommended practice does not describe individual energy storage technologies, nor does it provideguidance on their suitability for a particular application. This document does not cover sizing, installation,maintenance, and testing techniques, except insofar as they may influence the evaluation of a technology forits intended application.
3.1.1 General
To effectively compare energy storage technologies, a consistent convention is required for data presented bymanufacturers. These parameters include, but are not limited to, temperature range, voltage window, dischargerate, etc.All elements required for operation of a complete system within its specifications preferably to thepoint of use (connection to application) to enable a direct comparison—should be specified and included insubmittals (i.e., packaging, electronics, thermal management, etc.).
For the purposes of this document, the term technology refers to the underlying storage medium, such asa lithium-ion battery, or a high-speed flywheel.The term device refers to the energy storage component asdesigned and offered by a particular manufacturer; and the term system refers to the complete package offered,including auxiliary systems.
Sample data covering typical lead-acid batteries are provided in Annex B.
3.1.2 Energy rating
An energy rating expresses usable energy storage capacity of the device.For energy ratings to be meaningful,all limiting parameters such as rate, temperature, state of charge(SoC), and end-of-discharge voltage shouldbe specified.Energy ratings should be expressed in watt-hours (Wh). It is also recommended to know thecoulombic storage capability for a given discharge rate.This is usually termed capacity and is expressed inampere-hours (Ah). If the capacity is given in watt-hours, then the nominal voltage should also be specifiedto allow calculation of the capacity in ampere-hours. The nameplate rating of the device in watt-hours orkilowatt-hours should be accompanied by the rate of discharge in watts or kilowatts or the time over which therated energy can be discharged.

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