IEEE 1788:2015 pdf free download – IEEE Standard for Interval Arithmetic

02-15-2022 comment

IEEE 1788:2015 pdf free download – IEEE Standard for Interval Arithmetic
1.6 The meaning of conformance
Clause 4 lists the requirements on a conforming implementation in summary form, with references to wherethese are stated in detail.
1.7 Programming environment considerations
This standard does not define all aspects of a conforming programming environment.Such behavior should bedefined by a programming language definition supporting this standard, if available; otherwise by a particularimplementation. Some programming language specifications might permit some behaviors to be defined bythe implementation.
Language-defined behavior should be defined by a programming language standard supporting this stan-dard.Standards for languages intended to reproduce results exactly on all platforms are expected to specifybehavior more tightly than do standards for languages intended to maximize performance on every plat-form.
Because this standard requires facilities that are not currently available in common programming languages,the standards for such languages might not be able to conform fully to this standard if they are no longer beingrevised. If the language can be extended by a function library or class or package to provide a conformingenvironment,then that extension should define all the language-defined behaviors that would normally bedefined by a language standard.
Implementation-defined behavior is defined by a specific implementation of a specific programmingenvironment conforming to this standard. Implemnentations define behaviors not specified by this standardnor by any relevant programming language standard or programming language extension.Conformance tothis standard is a property of a specific implementation of a specific programming environment, rather thanof a language specification. However, a language standard could also be said to conform to this standard ifit were constructed so that every conforming implementation of that language also conformed automaticallyto this standard.
4.1 Conformance overview
This standard defines conformance for programming environments for interval arithmetic.A programmingenvironment is a collection of processes for developing and executing computer programs.An implementation,in the following, is a programming environment that implements the Level 2 behavior of interval arithmeticas specified in this standard. The implementation may include a programming language as well as extensionsin the form of libraries, classes, or packages that are necessary to satisfy the requirements for conformance.Requirements are given for the whole implementation;whether they are satisfied by the language itself or byan extension is irrelevant for conformance, see 1.7.
Conformance requirements in this standard follow the guidelines developed by OASIS, see [B11]. In particularthe OASIS concept of profiles is used to structure the requirements for a conforming implementation of aflavor of interval arithmetic.
A conforming implementation shall provide at least one of the following profles, defined in Clause 7, calledstandard flavors of interval arithmetic in the context of this standard. A profile in this sense is a specificsubset of functionality and requirements of this standard that may be provided by an implementation, butif it is provided shall be implemented exactly as specified in the corresponding section. A sub-profile is anested profile. If the main profile is provided, an implementation may also support the sub-profile. If it does,it shall do so as specified.
An implementation may also provide additional flavors that shall conform to the core specification summarizedin 7.1 and detailed in the following subclauses of Clause 7 as well as Clause 8,Clause 9. The decorationsystem of each additional flavor shall support FTIA sub-cases as described in 6.4.
NOTE—Any person proposing a new flavor should submit it as a revision of this standard, see the item “Commentson standards”in the front matter of this document.4
In any flavor of interval arithmetic, a part of an implementation is specified by a subset of the implementation’sinterval types (and where necessary to remove ambiguity, of its number formats). It comprises those typesand formats, and associated operations of the implementation. It is a conforming part if it forms a conformingimplementation of that flavor in its own right. Note that this implies the full set of decorations of the flavorshall be supported.

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