IEEE 1844:2015 pdf free download – IEEE Standard Test Procedurefor Determining Circuit Integrity Performance of Fire Resistive Cables in Nuclear Facilities

02-15-2022 comment

IEEE 1844:2015 pdf free download – IEEE Standard Test Procedurefor Determining Circuit Integrity Performance of Fire Resistive Cables in Nuclear Facilities
Only those support features representative of the field application where a fire resistive rating is re-quired needs to be included in the cable test assembly.
– The components of the cable test assembly constitute the “qualified assembly” provided that the accep-tance criteria of this standard are met.
-The “qualified assembly” used for the tests shall be constructedwith materials and configurations representative of in plant conditions and utilize rated componentswhere possible.
– The fire resistive cable is not to be closer than 305 mm (12.0 in) from the furnace edge.
– The minimum distance between the point of entrance and point of exit of the cable through the furnace shall be 3.0 m (9.8 ft).
– The minimum cable length (in the furnace) tested should be greater than 3.05 m (10.0 ft). The cablesshall be terminated at a maximum cable length of 3.05 m(10.0 ft) beyond the exit point of the cablefrom the furnace exterior (surface of unexposed side).
– The minimum bend radius of the sample shall not exceed the manufacturer’s specified minimum bendradius for the sample tested. If a minimum bend radius other than the manufacturer’s specified min-imum bend radius is used, then any rating assigned to the cable test assembly shall be limited to thesmallest bend radius tested.
– All cable raceways shall be grounded to the same electrical ground as the circuit integrity monitoringequipment.
– Cable test assembly shall be tested in the vertical and horizontal orientation.Figure 6 shows an exam-ple of vertical and horizonatal cable test assembly orientations.
– A minimum of two identical cable test assemblies of the same design shall be tested and meet the conditions of acceptance to be qualified as described in Clause 6 of this standard. If a single cable testassembly fails to meet the conditions of acceptance, an additional cable test assembly may be tested.For testing in cable trays, the cable sample shall be in physical contact with the tray.
– Unless the rating is specified for a specific firestop construction, the firestop system for the openingin the structure made for passage of the cable shall be constructed using materials and techniquies thatprovide an effective fire barrier without influencing the performance of the cable as a result of degra-dation.The fire stop system shall also, to the extent possible, prevent or limit the passage of air into thefurnace which could cool the cable test assembly.
– A single cable fill and the maximum raceway fill permitted by the electrical code shall be tested forcach cable test assembly. If other than the maximum raceway fill permited is tested, then any ratingassigned to the cable test assembly shall be limited to the maximum raceway fill tested.
Method 1:The stream applied at random to all exposed surfaces of the test specimen through a 6.4 cm (2.5 in)national standard playpipe with a 28.58 mm(1.125 in) orifice at a pressure of207kPa [30.0 psi] at a distance of6.1 m(20. ft) from the cable test assembly.Hose stream application duration varies by fire exposure duration.For a 1-h rating,a 1 min hose stream application is required.For a 2-h rating, a 1.5 min hose stream applicationis required.For a 3-h rating, a 2.5 min hose stream application is required.
Method 2: The stream applied to all exposed surfaces of the test specimen through 3.8 cm (1.5 in) fog nozzleset at a discharge angle of 15 degrees with a nozzle pressure of 517kPa (75.0 psi) and a minimum dischargeof 284 lpm(75.0 gpm) with the tip of the nozzle at a maximum of 3 m (10 ft) from the cable test assembly.Regardless of the fire endurance rating, a 5 min hose stream application is required.
Method 3:The stream applied at random to all exposed surfaces of the test specimen through a 3.8 cm (1.5 in)fog nozzle set at a discharge angle of 30 degrees with a nozzle pressure of 517 kPa [75.0 psi] and a minimumdischarge of 284 Ilpm [75.0 gpm] with the tip of the nozzle at a maximum of 1.5 m (5.0 fit) from the cable testassembly.Regardless of the fire endurance rating, a 5 min hose stream application is required.

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