IEEE 2780:2019 pdf free download – IEEE Standard for Insulation-Piercing Connectors

02-12-2022 comment

IEEE 2780:2019 pdf free download – IEEE Standard for Insulation-Piercing Connectors Test procedure and requirements
Each temperature rise test consists of a temperature-rise process after power-on, a temperature stabilizationprocess, and a cooling process after power-off. The temperature-rise test shall be repeated three times withac power. The test current shall be determined by the rated current-carrying capacity of the reference cable.During the test, the cable temperature shall not be higher than the maximum operating temperature of thetesting cable.
Temperature rise process:The IPC temperature and the reference cable temperature start to rise right after thecurrent is applied to the test circuit. Accelerated temperature rise is allowed, but the current for temperaturerise acceleration shall not exceed 1.5 times of the test current.
Temperature stabilization process: If the temperature fluctuation of the IPC and the reference cable is notgreater than 2°C for 15 min, it could be regarded as having reached steady state.After the steady state lasts for30 min, the reference cable temperature,the IPC temperature, and the ambient temperature shall be measuredand recorded. Test procedure and requirements
The voltage shall be applied to the IPC starting at a low value to avoid any effect of overvoltage due toswitching transients. It should be raised slowly for each recording but not too slowly to cause improper voltagewithstanding,especially near to test voltage U. When the voltage is increased to above 75% of U, make sure tocontinue increasing voltage with less than 2% U per second speed. When the test voltage U specified by 4.1.2is reached, it shall be maintained for 60 s and then rapidly decreased, but not suddenly interrupted as this maygenerate switching transients that could cause damage or erratic test results.
The test frequency is in the deviation of5 Hz of power frequency.
The test passes if there is no electrical breakdown on the IPC. Power frequency ac voltage withstand test in water5. Equipment for ac voltage withstand test in water
The equipment for an ac voltage withstand test in water shall be consistent with IPC installation and test arrangement
The IPC installation shall comply with of the entire installed IPC into ambient-temperaturewater.The distance from the upper side of the IPC to the water surface shall be 100 mm ±10 mm. The cableterminal shall be no less than 200 mm above the water surface.Conduct the test after the IPC is immersed inwater for 1 h.Apply the test voltage to the cable conductor and ground the metal box.The test arrangement isshown in Figure 12. Test procedure and requirement
The test procedure and requirements of the ac voltage withstand test in water shall be consistent with Test procedure and requirements
The spray equipment shall be placed in an appropriate position that the nozzle is at least 600 mm from theground and about 500 mm from the IPC. The nozzle axis is at an angle of 45° to the axis of the IPC, and thetest liquid is directly sprayed onto the IPC.If multiple nozzles are used, the nozzles shall be symmetricallyor evenly distributed around the IPC.The spray speed at the IPC is about 3 m/s and the volume of spray is0.5 mm/min ±l mm/min. The injection pressure shall be basically stable.Spray for 10 s and stop for 20 s as aspraying cycle
As the spray is started, the ac test voltage shall be applied to the IPC at the same time.For the IPC with ratedvoltages between 6kV and 12kV, the test voltage shall be 4 kV.For the IPC with rated voltages of l kV or less,the test voltage shall be 250 V. During and after 101 spraying cycles, the surface of the IPC shall not burn, acontinuous arc shall not form between the electrodes, the leakage current shall not exceed 0.5 A, and the IPCshall not break down.

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