IEEE 386:2006 pdf free download – IEEE Standard for Separable Insulated Connector Systems for Power Distribution Systems Above 600 v

02-13-2022 comment

IEEE 386:2006 pdf free download – IEEE Standard for Separable Insulated Connector Systems for Power Distribution Systems Above 600 v
3. Definitions
For the purposes of this standard,the following terms and definitions apply. The Authoritative Dictionaryof 1EEE’Stamdards Terms [B7]should be referenced for terms not defined in this clause.
The following definitions are the intended meanings of terms used in this standard or associated withseparable insulated connector systems.Figure 1, Figure 2, Figure 16, Figure 17, and Figure 18 show typicalcomponents of separable insulated connectors. The term connector as used in this standard means separableinsulated connector.
3.1 arc quenching rod: An ablative material added to the end of a probe that serves to pressurize and coolthe arc and help deionize the arc by products while approaching current zero,assisting in the arcinternuption process.
3.2 arc ring: Material inserted between the metal contact area of a loadbreak probe and the arc quenchingrod for the purpose of limiting arc damage to the probe metal.
NOIE—See Figue 8 and Figure 9.6
3.3 bushing extender: A connector that provides two in-line elbow interfaces.
3.4 bushing insert: A connector component intended for insertion into a bushing well designed for usewith another connector component, such as an elbow.
NOTE—See Figue 1.
3.5 bushing well: An apparatus bushing having a cavity for insertion of connector component, such as abushing insert.
NO1E-See Figue 1.
3.6 bushing well plug: An accessory device designed to electrically insulate,electrically shield,andmechanically seal a bushing well.
3.7 cable adapter: A connector component that fits over the insulation of the cable increasing its diameterto properly mate with the cable accessory.
3.8compression lug: The intermal current carrying part of an elbow designed for the transition of thecurrent path from the cable conductor to the connector.
3.9 connecting plug: A connector that provides two in-line bushing interfaces.
3.10 continuous current rating: The designated rms alternating or direct current that the connector cancarry continuously under specified conditions.
3.1l dead-front bushing arrester: An insulated and shielded surge protective device with a bushingoperating interface.
3.12 dead-front elbow arrester: An insulated and shielded surge protective device with an elbowoperating interface.
3.13 elbow: A connector component for connecting a power cable to a bushing, so designed that whenassembled with the bushing, the axes of the cable and bushing are perpendicular.
NOTE—See Figure 1 and Figure 2.
3.14 feed-thru bushing insert: An accessory device with two electrically interconnected bushinginterfaces that can be installed into a bushing well.
3.15 feed-thru parking bushing: An accessory device with two electrically interconnected bushinginterfaces that can be installed into a parking stand.
3.16 grounding parking bushing: An accessory device designed to electrically ground and mechanicallyseal a de-energized power cable terminated with an elbow and to be installed into a parking stand.
3.17 grounding tab: A projection on a connector component or accessory device designed for theplacement of a drain wire for the pupose of grounding the outer shield of the device.
3.18 insulated cap: An accessory device designed to electrically insulate,electrically shield,andmechanicafly seal a bushing insert or integral bushing.
3.19 insulated parking bushing: An accessory device designed to electrically insulate, electrically shield,and mechanicaly seal a power cable terminated with an elbow and to be installed into a parking stand.
3.20 insulated plug: An accessory device designed to electrically insulate,electrically shield,andmechanically seal an elbow interface.
3.2l integral bushing: An apparatus bushing designed for use with another connector component, such asan elbow.
NOIE—See Figure 1 and Figre 2.
3.22 loadbreak connector: A connector designed to close and interrupt rated load current or less onenergized circuits under specifed conditions.
3.23 maximum voltage ratig: The highest phase-to-ground voltage (rms) for single phase systems orphase-to-ground and phase-to-phase voltage (rms) for three phase systems at which a connector is designedto operate.
3.24 multi-way junction: An accessory device with two or more interconnected bushing andor bushingwell interfaces.
3.25 operating eye:An integral part of an elbow or other accessory device designed for the attachment of alive-line tool used to handle or operate the device.

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