IEEE 634:2004 pdf free download – IEEE Standard Cable-Penetration Fire Stop Qualification Test

02-13-2022 comment

IEEE 634:2004 pdf free download – IEEE Standard Cable-Penetration Fire Stop Qualification Test
1.2.1 General
This test method is used to determine the performance of a cable-penetration fire stop when exposed to thestandard time-temperature curve for control of fire tests from ASTM E814,’ and followed by a hose streamtest. The performance of a cable-penetration fire stop is dependent upon the specific assembly of materialstested,including the number,type, and size of the module and the fire-resistive barrier in which it isinstalled. An F-rating and T-rating are established for each fire stop tested. An F-rating of a specifiedduration cstablishes that thc fire stop successfully retarded the passagc of fire, flamec, and water during thefire endurance and hose stream tests. A T-rating of a specified duration establishes that, in addition tosatisfying the F-rating criteria, the fire stop effectively maintained unexposed side temperatures at or below181 ℃ (325 °F) above initial temperature (for Type I tests) or (at or below) the auto ignition temperature ofthe cable type tested (for Type ll tests).These ratings are intended as an aid in assessing the performanceof a cablc-penetration fire stop.
1.2.2 Applicability
Cable-penetration fire stops that meet the requirements outlined herein are intended for use in power-generating stations including, but not limited to, nuclear-generating stations,commercial, and industrialinstallations. Among the categories of cables covered, but not limited to, are those used for the power, thecontrol, and the instrumentation services of those installations. When applying the results of this test to aparticular end use application, consideration should be given to the appropriate type of rating (F-rating orT-rating) based on facility construction and specific requirements of the authority having jurisdiction.
1.2.3 Method of approach
When a cable-penetration is used in a rated fire-resistive barrier,the cable-penetration fire stop shouldremain intact, prevent the spread of fire, and restrict the passage of hot gases through that barrier for therequired time. A fire-resistive barrier should meet the requirements of ASTM E119. The ASTM E119 testis also known as NFPA 251 and ANSI A2.1[B1].3The ASTM E119 test is designed to measure the amountof heat transferred through a fire-resistive barrier from its fire side to its unexposed side. The fire side isexposed to the flame and hot gases of the test furnace and the unexposed side is exposed to the ambientconditions of the test facility. Fire-resistive barriers that meet the requirements of ASTM E119 fire testsare rated by the amount of time that they resist the effects of a controlled fire without exceeding thetemperature limits set forth in the standard. ASTM El19 temperature limits are a maximum temperaturerise of 181C (325 °F) above the initial temperature for individual thermocouples and a maximumtemperature rise of 139 C (250 °F) above the initial temperature for the average of all unexposed sidethermocouple readings. This standard provides two methods to determine the impact of a cable-penetrationon a rated fire-resistive barrier. The first method,Type l, is a general evaluation of a cable-penetration firestop that establishes a broad qualification.Type 1 tests invoke a maximum unexposed temperature of18iC (325 °F) above the initial temperature for all required thermocouple locations. The second method,Type ll, is a cable-specific evaluation of a cable-penetration fire stop that establishes a qualification for aspecific cable type only. For Type ll tests the flash-ignition and self-ignition temperatures of the cablcs tobe tested in the cable-penetration fire stop shall be established by ASTM D1929.Type ll tests use the dataobtained from ASTM D1929 to establish the temperature limiting factor for the cable-penetration fire stoptest conducted using this standard.

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