IEEE Std 1017.3:2021 pdf free download – IEEE Recommended Practice for Specifying Electric Submersible PumpCable – Polypropylene Insulation

02-12-2022 comment

IEEE Std 1017.3:2021 pdf free download – IEEE Recommended Practice for Specifying Electric Submersible PumpCable – Polypropylene Insulation
5.2 Gas blockage for stranded conductors
A 30 cm (12 in) specinen of insulated conductor removed fromn finished cable should be subjected to a0.03 MPa (5 psti) differential air pressure for a period of l h at 25 “C(77 “F). The siample ends should be cutoff flush with a fine-taothed saw bladc, and one cnd of the sample should have a short section of clear flexibleplastic tuhing slid over the insulation to enable the specirmen to be pressurized. The tubing should be altachedin place with u small hosc clamp [minimum width of binding collar cquals 6.4 mm (0.250 in)J. The clampshould be tighteted with minimurm torque to prevent leakage.The opposite end of the sample should be leftsubmerged in water.No air bubbles should be detected at the submerged end of the cable duringt the test period.,
5.3 Construction
Thc insulation should be cxtrudcd on the conductor with thicknesses as spccified in 5.3.l and Cables without metallic barrier
For 3 kV rated cable, average insulation wall thickncss should be 1.9 mm (0.075 in) or morc.The insulationminimum wall thickness should not be less than 1.7 mm(0.068 in) at any point. For 5 kV rated cable, theinsulation average wall thickness should be 2.3 mm (0.090 iny or more.The insulation minimtum wallthickness should not be less than 2.l mm (0.081 in) at any point. For 8 kV rated cable, the insulation avcragowall thickness should be 2.92 mn ( 115 mil). The insulatioan wall thickness should not be less than 2.6.3 mm(0.104 in) at any point.
5.3.2 Cables with metallic barrier
For 5 kV rated cable, the insulation average wall thickness shotuld be 1.9mm(0.075 in) or more. The insulationminimum wall thickness should nat be less than 1.7 mm (0.068 in at any point.For 8 kv rated systems,average wall thickness should be 2.29 mm (90 mil) or tmnore.The insulationi ninimurn wall thickness shouldnot be less than 2.06 mm (0.081 in).Considerations other than voltage stress impact the thickness ofinsulation. Flat cable with metallic (nonlead) barrier
Nonlead metal barriers may be composed of various nonmagnetic metals or alloys (e.g.,Monel,stainless steel, or Inconel), and are applied over and in direct contact with the insulation by a seam-weldedprocess. The metallic barricrs should bc applied to thc individually insulated conductors by forming a coldrolled strip of metal into a tubular configuration around an insulated conductor and performing alongitudinal seam weld. The sheath is seam-welded to an inside diameter larger than that of the insulatedconductor, to protect the latter from the heat generated by the welding operation. It is then cold drawn tofinal size in contact with, and slightly compressing, the insulation of the insulated conductor.No air gapshould be present betwecn the surface of the insulation and the metallic barrier. Flat cable with metallic (nonlead) barrier with encapsulating jacket
Each insulated conductor should have a seam-welded tube applied in accordance with and witha thickness as defined in 6.3. Thc threc conductors should be arranged in a flat configuration withmaintained equal spacing,and an extruded encapsulating jacket applied. Jacket materials,as thosesuggested for harsh environments in 6.1, should be used.Encapsulating jackets should comply with therequirements of IEEE Std 1017.1TM[B7].The minimum jacket thickness at any point should be 2 mm (0.08oin).Thesc cables typically rely on thc cncapsulating jacket to providc thc mechanical protcctioncharacteristics otherwise provided by metallic armor.

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