IEEE Std 1547:2018 pdf free download – IEEE Standard for Interconnection and Interoperability of Distributed Energy Resources with Associated Electric Power Systems Interfaces

02-14-2022 comment

IEEE Std 1547:2018 pdf free download – IEEE Standard for Interconnection and Interoperability of Distributed Energy Resources with Associated Electric Power Systems Interfaces
NOTE 1—The example of Local EPS 1 includes only load. Any requirements for this Local EPS are outside the scopeof this standard.
NOTE 2—The example of Local EPS 2 includes only DER. Depending on the DER rating,requirements of thisstandard apply ceither at the PCC or the PoC.The DER unit in this example is able to meet requirements at its terminalswithout any supplemental DER device; the PoC coincides with the DER unit ‘s terminals.
NOTE 3—The example of Local EPS 3 includes both DER units and load. Depending on the aggregate DER units’rating and the percent of average load demand, requirements of this standard apply cither at the PCC or the PoC. Thetwo (or more) DER units are able to meet requirements at its terminals without any supplemental DER device; the PoCcoincides with the DER units’ terminals; there are two (or more) PoCs.
NOTE 4—The example of Local EPS 4 includes a DER unit, a supplemental DER device, and load. Depending on theDER unit ‘s rating and the percent of average load demand, requirements of this standard apply either at the PCC or thePoC.The DER unit is not able to meet requirements at its terminals without any supplemental DER device; the PoC isthe point where the requirements of this standard are met by the DER unit in conjunction with the supplemental DERdevice exclusive of any load, if present, in the respective part of the Local EPS.
NOTE 5—The example of Local EPS 5 includes two (or more)DER units and a supplemental DER device but no load.Depending on the aggregate DER units’rating, requirements of this standard apply either at the PCC or the PoC.Asindicated by the curved linc, the PCC and PoC may be located well apart from each other. The two (or more) DERunits are not able to meet requirements at their terminals without any supplemental DER device; the PoC is the pointwhere the requirements of this standard are met by two (or more) DER units in conjunction with the supplemental DERdevice exclusive of any load, if present, in the respective part of the Local EPS.
All performance categories specify minimum equipment capability requirements and may also specifydesignated limiting requirements for ranges of allowable setfings of control or trip parameter values.Forcategories related to reactive power capability and voltage regulation performance requirements(Clause 5),Category B is inherently capable of meeting the requirements for Category A. For categories related toresponse to Area EPS abnormal conditions (Clause 6), categories with higher number values are inherentlycapable of meeting the voltage and frequency ride-through requirements of lower number value categories;however, this may not hold for voltage and frequency trip requirements because their ranges of allowablesettings may be mutually exclusive. If a DER listed for a higher level abnormal operating performancecategory was used in a lower-level category application,the correct range of allowable settings formagnitude and duration values of trip settings shall be ensured, for example by the use of software profilesdesignated for each abnormal operating performance category.

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