IEEE Std 382:2019 pdf free download – IEEE Standard for Qualification ofSafety-Related Actuators for NuclearPower Generating Stations and OtherNuclear Facilities

02-12-2022 comment

IEEE Std 382:2019 pdf free download – IEEE Standard for Qualification ofSafety-Related Actuators for NuclearPower Generating Stations and OtherNuclear Facilities
4.1 General
The primary objective of qualification is to demonstrate with reasonable assurance that safety-relatedactuators for which a qualified life or condition has been established can perform their safety function(s)without experiencing common-cause failures before,during,and after applicable design basis events(DBE). Safety-related actuators,with thcir interfaces,,must meet or exceed the equipment specificationrequirements. This continued capability is ensured through a program that includes, but is not limited to,design control, quality control, qualification,installation,maintenance,periodic testing, and surveillance.The focus of this standard is on qualification, although it affects the other parts of the program.
Most actuators are designed and manufactured in generic design groups (families) that, although varyingconsiderably in size, are made of similar materials and have similar design and manufacture. Individualactuators from these design groups can be applied to a wide range of applications. An individualqualification of each possible variation of design within each generic group may not be practical. Therefore,this standard identifies the method for qualification of a generic family as well as individualactuators.
This standard divides the qualification process for actuators into the following:
a)Generic family qualification with identification of the generic actuator group and qualification testing of selected actuators in generic actuator group
b)Qualification of an actuator for a specific application
4.2 Requirements
The methods used for qualification, identified in IEC/IEEE 60780-323, are as follows:
a)Type testing: Qualification by type testing is performed on a representative sample of the actuator.
Type tests shall be designed to demonstrate that the equipment performance meet or exceeds thesafety functions before, during and following the DBE at the end of the design/qualified life.
b)Operating experience: Performance data from equipment of similar design that has successfully operated under known service conditions may be used in qualifying other equipment to equal or lesssevere conditions. Applicability of this data depends on the adequacy of documentation establishingpast service conditions, equipment performance, and similarity of the equipment to be qualified andupon which operating experience exists.A demonstration of required operability during applicabledesign basis event(s) shall be included in equipment qualification programs based on operatingexperience, when design basis event qualification is required.
e)Analysis: Qualification by analysis requires a logical assessment or a valid mathematical model of the equipment to be qualified. The bases for analysis typically include physical laws of nature,results of test data,operating experience, and condition indicators. Analysis of data and tests formaterial properties,equipment rating, and environmental tolerance can be used to demonstratequalification.However, analysis alone cannot be used to demonstrate qualification.
5.2 Selection of actuator units for type testing
Due to the variation in types,sizes, and configurations of actuators, it is not practical for this standard toestablish a fixed number of actuators to be tested in order to establish qualification. lt is also impractical torequire all actuators to be tested.
All actuators within a generic group are qualified by analysis provided an appropriate number of units aretype tested and a comparison by analysis is made between tested units and others. The number of units to betested shall be based on an evaluation of the variations in physical and performance parameters that existwithin the generic group; for example, thrust, torque, power, speed, materials, pressure, weight, dimension,inertia,and seismic moment.For non-direct acting actuators,such as motor actuators or scotch-yokeactuators, the actuator with the worst (i.e., lowest) gearbox efficiency should be one of the units selected.

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