ISO 44003:2021 pdf free download – Collaborative business relationship management一Guidelines for micro, small and medium-sized enterprises on the implementation of the fundamental principles

02-08-2022 comment

ISO 44003:2021 pdf free download – Collaborative business relationship management一Guidelines for micro, small and medium-sized enterprises on the implementation of the fundamental principles.
Using the principles given in ISO/TR 44000, these guidelines address how collaborative working initiatives by micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs), together or in networks, can develop mutually beneficial engagements.
This document can assist the MSME to gain advantages through, for example:
— quick access to complementary resources, markets and new customers;
— innovation, research and development;
— economies of scale;
— sharing risk, costs and resources;
— accessing knowledge, expertise and competences;
— efficiency and stability.
The guidelines within this document can support any number of MSMEs collaborating with any number of larger organizations or each other.
Examples of possible collaborative working models include:
— collaborating one to one, where MSMEs develop collaborations with other MSMEs;
— groups of MSMEs, where MSMEs build collaborative networks;
— MSMEs or groups of MSMEs collaborating with larger organizations. Assessment of joint objectives
The owners and/or managers should identify where collaborative working can deliver shared benefits and should understand which of each partner’s objectives overlap and where common goals can be achieved. The parties should jointly follow these steps:
— each party should identify their own objectives;
— the rationale behind them should be explained to the other party;
— joint objectives should be established;
— it should be ensured that other individual objectives are compatible. Managing the objectives
Ensuring that each partner’s objectives are being achieved through the relationship will support the right behaviours and continued effective engagement at both organizational and individual levels to sustain mutual benefit. Throughout the relationship, regular reviews should assess the performance and behaviours.
5.4 Collaborative leadership
5.4.1 What: summary of the intent
Appointing a senior person who is empowered and with the appropriate skills responsible for collaborative business relationships ensures support for the collaboration.
5.4.2 Why: explanation of relevance
A clear commitment to the collaborative business relationship from the owners/managers, leading by example and forging alignment to a shared vision, is essential to successful implementation. Visible participation by a senior person provides both focus and confidence for those directly involved in any collaboration, which in turn fosters the appropriate behaviours.
5.4.3 How: implementation guidance SER role
The SER role is to ensure that the operating processes are effective and practically applied. They provide high level support in terms of oversight management and resource allocation. Their visible participation provides both focus and confidence for those directly involved in any collaboration, which in turn fosters the appropriate behaviours at all levels. The owners and/or managers should appoint an SER to drive the collaborative processes and establish their role, responsibility and authority. In a small company, the SER can be the owner himself/herself. See 5.6.3 for guidance on the experience, skills and competencies that can be appropriate to this role. Establishing resource requirements
The owners and/or managers, with the SER, should allocate sufficient resources to manage a collaborative business relationship. The allocation should consider, for example:
— investment in the people, structures, processes and systems;
— personnel with capability, capacity and competence.

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