ISO 9004:2009 pdf free download – Managing for the sustained success of an organization一A quality management approach

02-11-2022 comment

ISO 9004:2009 pdf free download – Managing for the sustained success of an organization一A quality management approach.
gathering knowledge from customers, suppliers and partners,
— capturing undocumented knowledge (tacit and explicit) that exists within the organization,
— ensuring the effective communication of important information content (particularly at each interface In the supply and production chains), and
— managing data and records.
6.7.3 Information
The organization should establish and maintain processes to gather reliable and useful data and for converting such data into the information necessary for decision making.
This includes the processes needed for the storage, security, protection, communication and distribution of data and information to all relevant parties. The organization’s information and communication systems need to be robust and accessible, to ensure their capabilities. The organization should ensure the integrity, confidentiality and availability of information relating to its performance, process improvements, and on progress towards the achievement of sustained success.
6.7.4 Technology
Top management should consider technological options to enhance the organization’s performance in areas such as product realization, marketing, benchmarking, customer interaction, supplier relations and outsourced processes. The organization should establish processes for the assessment of
— the current levels of technology inside and outside the organization, including emerging trends.
— economic costs and benefits,
— the evaluation of risks related to changes in technology,
— the competitive environment, and
— its speed and ability to react to customer requirements promptly, to ensure that it remains competitive.
7 Process management
7.1 General
Processes are specific to an organization and vary depending on the type, size and level of maturity of the organization. The activities within each process should be determined and adapted to the size and distinctive features of the organization.
The organization should ensure the proactive management of all processes, including outsourced processes, to ensure that they are effective and efficient, in order to achieve its objectives, This can be facilitated by adopting a ‘process approach” that includes establishing processes, interdependencies, constraints and shared resources.
Processes and their interrelationships should be reviewed on a regular basis and suitable actions should be taken for their improvement
The processes should be managed as a system by creating and understanding the networks of processes, their sequences and interactions. The consistent operation of this system is often referred to as the “systems approach to management”. The network can be described in a map of the processes and their interfaces.
NOTE For further information on the process approach”, see the related quahly management pnncaple in Annex B of this International Standard, as well as ISO 9000 and the ISO 9000 “Introduction and Support Package document Gu6dance on the Concept and Use of the Process Approach for management systems1J.
7.2 Process planning and control
The organization should determine and plan its processes and define the functions that are necessary for providing products that can continue to meet the needs and expectations of customers and other interested parties, on an ongoing basis. Processes should be planned and controlled to be in accordance with the organizations strategy and should address management activities, provision of resources, product realization, monitoring, measurement and reviewing activities.

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