NSF ANSI 13:2017 pdf free download – Refuse processors and processing systems

02-24-2022 comment

NSF ANSI 13:2017 pdf free download – Refuse processors and processing systems
5.6.1 Fixed
Fixed panels shall conform to requirements applicable to the zone in which the panels are located.
5.6.2 Removable
Where necessary for equipment inspection and maintenance, removable panels of adequate size shall be provided. Each panel shall be sized to permit removal and replacement by one person. Removable panels shall conform to requirements applicable to the zone in which the panels are located.
5.7 Doors and covers
Doors and covers shall be sized to fit the opening and close properly to contain flying debris within the enclosure during operation. Doors and covers that enclose openings and provide access to interior compartments shall be of single- or double-panel construction.
5.7.1 Single panel
Single-panel doors and covers shall be manufactured to minimize the collection of foreign matter and, if possible, shall be designed without channel sections at the bottom. Channel sections, if used, shall be inverted or easily cleanable. Clean-out holes shall be provided in channels that are not inverted.
5.7.2 Double panel
Double-panel doors and covers shall be manufactured to minimize the collection of foreign matter. Hollow sections shall be sealed or vented. Vent openings into the hollow space, when provided, shall be effectively screened, with a minimum of 16-mesh (16 strands per 1.0 in [25 mm]) screen or equal, and protected against the entrance of vermin, seepage, or spillage.
5.8 Tracks and guides
Tracks and guides for doors, covers, and access panels shall be manufactured to minimize the accumulation of waste and spillage.
5.13.1 Manual multi-use containers
Multiuse containers shall be leakproof and properly interfaced with the refuse processor with which they are used. They shall be shaped to permit discharge of processed refuse by gravity. Containers shall be nonabsorbent and corrosion resistant. The interior of container sides shall meet the applicable requirements of 4.1 through 4.9 and shall be free of sharp edges or handles that are safety hazards. There shall be at least two handles. A snugifiting cover with handles shall be provided.
5.13.2 Single-use containers
Single-use containers shall be leak-resistant and shall resist tears or punctures during refuse processing.Containers shall be closable. Suitable means of closure shall be provided. Materials used in containers shall be capable of incineration under normal municipal practices.
5.13.3 Mechanically handled containers
Containers designed for mechanical handling shall be constructed of steel or other suitable material, corrosion resistant, or rendered corrosion resistant. Containers shall interface with the refuse processor and mechanical handling equipment. Liquids generated during refuse processing shall be contained and discharged to a satisfactory drain. Containers for onsite storage or transport shall be designed to prevent spillage and leakage. Containers and closures shall withstand the repeated stress and strain of refuse processing and handling. Containers shall be easily cleanable and designed and manufactured to permit removal of processed refuse by gravity or mechanical means.
5.14 Sound-dampening materials
Sound-dampening materials, when used in an exposed area, shall be applied in a manner that prevents dirt or debris from collecting and adhering. The surface shall be nonabsorbent and shall comply with 4.7.

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