NSF ANSI 4:2016 pdf free download – Commercial Cooking, Rethermalization, and Powered Hot Food Holding and Transportation Equipment

02-24-2022 comment

NSF ANSI 4:2016 pdf free download – Commercial Cooking, Rethermalization, and Powered Hot Food Holding and Transportation Equipment
4 Materials
The requirements contained in this section are intended to protect food from contamination and ensure that the materials used in the manufacture of commercial cooking, rethermalization, and powered hot food holding and transport equipment resist wear, penetration by vermin, and the effects of foods, heat, cleaning compounds, sanitizers, and other substances that may contact the materials in the intended use environment. Materials used in unexposed non-food zone areas shall be exempt from all requirements in 4.
4.1.2 Oven interiors: Oven interiors shall be nontoxic; corrosion-resistant metal; metal treated with a heat-resistant coating; or another nontoxic, corrosion-resistant, and cleanable material. The use of refractory concrete and other high-temperature ceramic materials, including fire brick, shall be limited to the following:
— Oven decks whose direct contact with food is restricted to pizza and bread products only. The oven may be used for cooking other types of food, provided that the food is cooked in or on pans or other containers to prevent spillage onto the oven deck.
— Interior surfaces (including walls, ceilings, and decks) of ovens intended for cooking pizza and bread products only. The oven shall have a permanent, heat-resistant label stating that its use is restricted to cooking pizza and bread products only. The label shall be clearly visible to the user after installation of the equipment.
— Interior surfaces (including walls, ceilings, and decks) of pyrolytic self-cleaning hearth ovens meeting the performance test requirements of 6.5, whose direct contact with food is restricted to pizza and bread products only. The oven may be used for cooking other types of food, provided that the food is cooked in or on pans or other containers to prevent spillage onto the oven deck. Manufacturers shall provide instructions for pyrolytic oven cleaning procedures in the operation manual.
— Oven decks and interiors may be constructed of asbestos cement if the asbestos cement is able to meet the abrasion resistance criteria of 6.6.
4.6 Brick
Construction brick and similar uncleanable materials shall not be used except as permitted in 4.1 .2. The use of fire brick is acceptable only on surfaces located behind or below cooking surfaces. Fire brick shall not be used on surfaces intended for direct food contact.
5 Design and construction
Unless otherwise specified, the interiors of heated compartments, such as those in ovens, steam cookers, pressure cookers, proofing cabinets, rethermalization equipment, hot food transport cabinets, and hot food holding cabinets, shall conform to the splash zone design and construction requirements of this Standard. Food zone material requirements shall apply.
5.1.4 Food zones for which in-place cleaning is intended shall be designed and manufactured so that cleaning and sanitizing solutions may be circulated or passed throughout the fixed system. The design shall ensure that cleaning and sanitizing solutions contact all food contact surfaces. The system shall be self- draining or capable of being completely evacuated. Equipment and appurtenances designed for in-place cleaning shall have a section of the cleaned area accessible for inspection or shall provide for other acceptable inspection methods. The manufacturer shall provide written instructions for the cleaning and sanitizing of all food zone surfaces for which in-place cleaning is intended. The type and concentration of sanitizing agent recommended in the instructions by the manufacturer shall comply with 40 CFR, section 180.940.

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