NSF ANSI 5:2016 pdf free download – Water heaters, hot water supply boilers, and heat recovery equipment

02-24-2022 comment

NSF ANSI 5:2016 pdf free download – Water heaters, hot water supply boilers, and heat recovery equipment
1.1 Purpose
This Standard establishes minimum public health and sanitation requirements for the materials, design, construction, and performance of commercial water heaters, hot water supply boilers, and heat recovery equipment.’ This Standard does not contain safety requirements.
1.2 Scope
This Standard contains requirements for heat recovery equipment and equipment intended to provide hot water heated by electricity, gas, steam, or oil. The types of equipment covered by this Standard include, but are not limited to: automatic storage water heaters, circulating water heaters, hot water supply boilers, and steam heat exchangers. Instantaneous water heaters used to heat water other than for beverages are covered under this Standard. Boilers used for space heating are not covered under this Standard. Materials and components covered under other NSF or ANSI Standards or Criteria shall also comply with the requirements therein. This Standard is not intended to restrict new design, provided that such design meets the minimum specifications described herein.
1.3 Alternate materials, design, and construction
While specific materials, design, and construction may be stipulated in this Standard, equipment that incorporates alternative materials, design, and construction may be acceptable when such equipment meets the intent of applicable requirements herein.
1.4 Measurement
Decimal and SI conversions provided parenthetically shall be considered equivalent. Metric conversions and significant figure rounding have been made according to IEEE/ASTM SI 10. 2 Normative references The following documents contain provisions that, through reference, constitute provisions of this NSF/ANSI Standard. At the time this Standard was balloted, the editions listed below were valid. All documents are subject to revision, and parties are encouraged to investigate the posibility of applying the most recent edition of the documents indicated below. The most recent published edition of the document shall be used for undated references.
4 Materials
The requirements contained in this clause are intended to protect water from contamination and ensure that the materials used in the construction of water heaters, hot water supply boilers, and heat recovery equipment resist wear, penetration by vermin, and the effects of cleaning compounds and other substances that may contact the materials in the intended end-use environment. Materials used in unexposed non-food zone areas shall be exempt from all requirements in 4.
4.1 Conformance with NSF/ANSI 51 Materials shall conform to the requirements in NSF/ANSI 51 applicable to the zone in which the material is used.
4.2 External surfaces External surfaces shall be corrosion resistant or rendered corrosion resistant. Materials not in contact with potable water shall conform to the nonfood zone requirements in NSF/ANSI 51.
4.3 Intermediate transfer media
4.3.1 Intermediate transfer media shall not directly contact potable water.
4.3.2 When supplied by the manufacturer, intermediate transfer media used in a single-wall heat exchanger shall meet the material formulation requirements for food zone materials in NSF/ANSI 51.

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