UL-172:2013 pdf free download – Standard for Sustainability for Toys

02-18-2022 comment

UL-172:2013 pdf free download – Standard for Sustainability for Toys.
5.11 JUVENILE PRODUCTS — Consumer products designed or intended primarily for use by children which are not used primarily for play. These include, but are not limited to, items such as bassinets, cradles. bath seats, infant bath tubs, carriages and strollers, changing tables. full size cribs, gates and enclosures, handheld infant carriers, high chairs, infant bouncers, infant swings. play yardsnon-full size cribs, portable bed rails, portable hook-on chairs, soft infant carriers, stationary activity centers. toddler beds and walkers (see ASTM F963. Standard Consumer Safety Specification for Toy Safety).
5.12 LEGAL+ FOREST SOURCE See Appendix Cl — Fiber Types — Distinguishing Characteristics.
5.13 MATERIAL CHANGE — Any change in the product’s design, manufacturing process. or sourcing of component parts that a manufacturer exercising due care knows, or should know, could affect the product’s ability to comply with this standard.
5.14 MUTAGEN — A chemical that produces a permanent change in the amount or structure of genetic material of an exposed human or animal. For the purposes of this standard, a mutagen is defined as a substance that is evaluated to be a Category 1A. 1B, or 2 substance under the Globally Harmonized System for Classification and Labeling of Chemicals (GHS) (http:/1www.unece.org.trans.danger/publi! ghs’ghs_welcomee.html).
5.15 PACKAGE — A container providing a means of marketing, protecting, or handling of product and shall include a unit package, an intermediate package, and a shipping container as defined in ASTM D996, Standard Terminology of Packing and Distribution Environments.
5.16 PHTHALATES — Organic chemicals that are esters of phthalic acids and are mainly used as plasticizers.
5.17 POST-CONSUMER — Material that has served its end use at the consumer level, has been discarded by the consumer, and unless diverted, would enter the waste stream.
5.18 PRIMARY PACKAGING — The material physically coming into contact with and containing the product; also includes those materials that ensure product integrity, safety, regulatory compliance (on- package labels. e.g.) and prevent illicit tampering. This is in most cases the package displayed for retail sale of the toy.
5.19 RECYCLABLE MATERIAL — Material that can be diverted from the waste stream through available processes and programs. and can be collected. processed, and returned to use in the form of raw materials or products.
5.20 RECYCLED SOURCE — See Appendix Cl – Fiber Types – Distinguishing Characteristics
5.21 REPRODUCTIVE TOXICANT — A chemical that produces an adverse effect on sexual function
and fertility in adult humans or developmental toxicity in children where the exposure is prenatal. For the purposes of this Standard. a reproductive toxicant is defined as a substance that is evaluated to be a Category 1 A, 1 B, or 2 substance under the Globally Harmonized System for Classification and Labeling of Chemicals (GHS) (http:/1www.unece.org/trans’danger.publighs/ghs welcome e.html).
5.22 SECONDARY PACKAGING — Any packaging material other than primary packaging, including wrappers, boxes, and blister packs, but excluding shipping packaging.
5.23 SOURCE-REDUCED PACKAGE — A package that contains the equivalent product (the same amount of product or number of recommended uses) and represents at least a 20 percent reduction in material, by weight. as compared to the package being replaced.

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